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Each July a new team of Sabbatical Officers start their year in office, leading Students' Union UCL. The new team are getting settled into their roles right now.

What do they do?

Your Sabbatical Officers are here to improve your life at UCL. They make sure your voice is heard at the highest levels across UCL. They're drivers of big change on campus, leading projects and new initiatives.

How did they get here?

You voted them in! During our leadership race back in March, 10,219 of you took part in Vote Week, where you picked the students you wanted to lead the Union this year.

Before they got stuck into their roles, we asked each of them what they plan to focus on this year, along with that all important advice for new students...

Activities and Engagement Officer – Mary McHarg

Mary is responsible for leading our clubs, societies, volunteering, and events work...

My top 3 priorities:

1. Supporting sustainable, inclusive, and accessible events throughout the year.

2. Giving clubs and societies more spaces for storage, training, and performances.

3. Making creative arts accessible for all students - think Project Active, but for art!

My advice to new students?

Don’t be afraid to try out something new! If you have a few hours free, there’s almost certainly something cool happening on the ‘What’s On’ calendar. And if you’ve always wanted to try a niche hobby but don’t know where to start, there’s probably a society or club that can help you out.

Equity and Inclusion Officer – Seyi Osibamowo

Seyi is responsible for leading our equity and inclusion work...

My top 3 priorities:

  1. Creating a programme for celebrations such as Black History Month, Disability History Month and LGBTQ+ History Month, as well as creating resources to distribute.
  2. Working to develop sustainable plans & actions that continue to promote equity, inclusion & accessibility.
  3. Working with clubs & societies to highlight the importance of considering intersectionality when making decisions.

My advice to new students?

Everyone’s in the same boat, trying to make friends and survive student life - remember that in the ways you treat people… you’ll give and therefore receive good vibes!

Education Officer – Hamza Ahmed

Hamza is responsible for leading our work shaping education at UCL...

My top 3 priorities:

  1. Maintaining a strong Extenuating Circumstances policy for the next academic year and ensuring the attendance policy will not overburden students.
  2. Working to close the BAME awarding gap.
  3. Extending the transition mentor system to include the mentorship of second year students.

My advice to new students?

Get involved! Don’t be afraid to go to club or society events by yourself, as everyone is incredibly welcoming. Your student years are the best, so make the most of them!

Postgraduate Officer – Suhaila Adan

Suhaila is responsible for our work representing postgrad and improving the postgrad experience...

My top 3 priorities:

  1. Postgraduate centred-career programmes.
  2. Creating accessible resources for postgraduate applications.
  3. Holding meaningful events through faculty themed postgraduate socials.

My advice to new students?

It’s really easy to remain in your comfort zone. Challenge yourself, what’s the worst that could happen?

Union Affairs Officer – Deniz Akinci

Deniz is responsible for our democracy and governance, as well as our commercial services...

My top 3 priorities…

  1. Drastically improving student engagement with policy zone discussions and policy proposals.
  1. Students’ Union Internships.
  2. Students’ Union Bursaries.

My advice to new students?

UCL is a unique place in terms of the breadth of experience it can offer you, and how much it can widen your horizons. You’ll meet special people from all backgrounds; you’ll discover your enthusiasm in an incredibly wide range of activities through societies and your courses; and you can always find an opportunity to grow while giving back. Make sure you take full advantage of what UCL can offer you as soon as you can; first year is a great time to try new things.

Welfare and Community Officer – Umair Mehmood          

Umair is responsible for our work improving student welfare and developing communities...

My top 3 priorities:

  1. Make the guaranteed accommodation scheme much clearer to new students, structuring it by budget and location.
  2. Expand the horizons of the Disabilities Support Network by introducing more sports initiatives and getting more students and staff involved in decision-making.
  3. Receiving quarterly feedback from students on the performance of the Sabbatical Officers and the Students’ Union.

Advice to new students?

Nothing is impossible at UCL if you set your heart to it.