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This week is Anti-Bullying Week, a special week dedicated to the fight against bullying. 

Why tackle bullying?

Bullying is a serious problem prevalent in educational settings that affects people all over the world. In fact, according to the Anti-Bullying Alliance, 40% of young people report being bullied in the last 12 months.

What can you do?

It’s crucial that all of us at UCL are aware of how we can approach situations where someone is being bullied or mistreated. That’s why the Students’ Union and UCL join forces every year to run the Active Bystander Programme, an interactive course that teaches students the necessary skills for tackling inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour at UCL and beyond.

Who is an Active Bystander?

An Active Bystander aims to challenge poor behaviours and bring about cultural alteration through the strengthening messages that define boundaries of unacceptable behaviour. Many individuals and/or groups with problematic attitudes are likely to consider their behaviour is normal if no one challenges it, and this can often be reinforced by cultural messages at UCL and the wider community. 

You can become an Active Bystander today by taking part in the programme. It consists of two parts – an online module and a live workshop given by our amazing workshop leaders. To access the online module, click here, and to book a live workshop, check out the sessions we’re running here.

Useful links