Book tickets

The UCLH Outreach Service is offering a free vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) on Wednesday 26 February, Monday 10 March and Thursday 27 March 2025

Measles, mumps, and rubella are highly infectious conditions that can spread easily among unvaccinated people, especially among university students. This may be attributable to fewer people being vaccinated against them. 

Students who have not had the MMR vaccine are strongly encouraged to get this before coming to UCL or as soon as possible after arrival. Two doses of the MMR vaccine provide the best protection against measles, mumps, and rubella.  

If you have not had this vaccination, drop in to the Student Centre on the day or book to guarantee your spot.

If you cannot visit us on either date, book an appointment with your General Practitioner (GP) to book a vaccination at your local surgery. Should you be unregistered, please read more about registering with a GP.

For further information, you can read more about the MMR vaccine from the NHS.

Wheelchair accessible

The Student Centre is accessible to wheelchair users or those with mobility difficulties. There is a ramp at the main entrance to the building, and an accessible wide access gate allows entrance to the UCL student and staff areas of the Student Centre. Lifts are available to all floors.

Family friendly