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Welcome to our Terms & Conditions

Our Terms and Conditions are in place to provide clarity to gym users about how we operate.

1. Membership

1.1  By purchasing a membership, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions of Membership and the current edition of the Fitness Centre Rules. The Fitness Centre rules may be amended by TeamUCL Gym from time to time at its discretion throughout your period of membership

1.2  You will only be permitted to use the fitness centre facilities & services provided you hold a current paid-in-full (PIF) membership or Direct Debit (DD) membership or purchase a day membership product prior to entry.

1.3  If you pay your membership by Direct Debit and you fail to have an active Direct Debit your card access will be deactivated, this will restrict access to the Fitness Centre until you have reinstated the Direct Debit. A Direct Debit member must have an active Direct Debit to use the facility.

1.4  Your membership is for your personal use only and is non-transferable. Sharing a membership or lending a membership card to someone else other than the owner is a breach of membership. To monitor attendance, your photo will be taken when joining.

1.5  Applicants for membership must be at least seventeen years old.

1.6  A mandatory requirement of membership is the completion of a PAR-Q form.

1.7  All memberships, unless stated otherwise, must be activated at the Fitness Centre reception desk within 7 days of the product purchase. Failure to activate your membership within this time-period may lead to a cancellation of the membership with no refund.

Membership Fees

2.1  TeamUCL Gym will set the level of membership fees and will review such fees periodically. TeamUCL Gym reserves the right to change the level of fees from time to time. We will give you at least 10 working days written notice of any changes to the levels of membership fees.

2.2 Changes to fees will be communicated via email to DD customers and via the website and app for all other users.

2.3  The student membership rate is only accessible upon producing a valid student ID card. The student membership rate is available to any registered student at any university.

2.4  The staff membership rate is accessible for UCL, SOAS and Birkbeck staff members and is only accessible upon producing a valid staff ID card.

2.5  The alumni rate of membership is accessible for alumni of UCL and is only accessible upon producing a valid UCL alumni card. Find out more.

Membership Duration & Termination: Direct Debit (DD)

3.1.1 This type of membership is automatically renewed each month until cancelled by the member.

3.1.2 To cancel a membership, you must submit a cancellation form via the TeamUCL Gym webpage. When submitting a cancellation form, you will be instructed to cancel your payment with your Bank. Please note, that this must be completed 5 working days before the first day of a new calendar month. Failure to do so will result in a non-refundable payment being taken.

Membership Duration & Termination: Paid in Full (PIF)

3.1.1 This term is applicable to any membership type paid outright to cover the agreed length of access.

3.1.2 PIF Memberships are non-refundable except in the circumstances outlined in section 3.4 of this document.

Membership Duration & Termination: Day Pass Access

3.3.1 A day pass entitles a user to access the fitness centre and classes on the day of purchase only.

3.3.2 Day passes are sold at the Fitness Centre reception desk and will only be available to purchase if the gym is below maximum capacity.

Membership Duration & Termination: Refunds

3.4.1 As standard, all memberships are strictly non-refundable and non-freezable, with the exception of the extenuating circumstances listed below, where you may receive a refund or partial refund: If TeamUCL Gym is inaccessible for a period of 14 days or more a membership freeze will be offered to all PIF members. Please note TeamUCL Gym closes annually for a short duration over Easter and Christmas and these closures are not included in those 14 days. If TeamUCL Gym is inaccessible for a period of 28 days or more a pro-rata refund will be offered to all PIF members. Please note TeamUCL Gym closes annually for a short duration over Easter and Christmas and these closures are not included in those 28 days. A medical reason preventing you from participating in physical activity. Documentation issued by a GP will need to be provided to the Fitness Centre Manager to validate actioning a refund or partial refund. A formal disruption of studies. Documentation issued by your academic department will need to be provided to the Fitness Centre Manager to validate actioning a refund or partial refund.

3.4.2 Refund amount – This will be subject to how much of your agreed length of access has been used. If you have a nominal amount of time remaining on your agreed length of access, then no refund will be issued.

3.4.3 Refunds can only be issued to a UK bank account.

3.4.4 Direct Debit customers may end their membership subscription at any time in line with the process outlined in 3.1.2

Operating Procedures

4.1 TeamUCL Gym reserves the right to make modifications to the opening hours and class timetable without prior notice. In addition to this, TeamUCL Gym can withdraw equipment and amenities at any time for repair or maintenance works or in the interest of safety.  

4.2 TeamUCL Gym closes annually for a short duration over Easter and Christmas in line with UCL closure periods. TeamUCL Gym is closed for all Bank Holidays, these closures are factored into the pricing structure of memberships. Therefore, they are not eligible for a refund or partial refund.

4.3 Last entry is thirty minutes before closing. Entry after this point will not be granted.

4.4 On rare occasions where the fitness centre has reached its maximum capacity our staff may operate a “one in, one out” system. At such times, existing members will be prioritised and day passes will not be sold.

4.5 Only current members of TeamUCL Gym, or those with a valid Day Pass, may attend gym classes.

4.6 Class bookings can be made via the TeamUCL Gym App or in person at the Fitness Centre reception desk up to 7 days in advance. You may cancel bookings up to 12 hours before the booking. Members who book classes and fail to attend without cancelling may be restricted from accessing future classes.

4.7 Members are expected to arrive a minimum of five minutes before the start of a class. Staff reserve the right to refuse entry to a class if a member arrives late.

4.8 TeamUCL Gym shares the building with other site users. Occasionally we must adapt our provisions to facilitate other activities. On ad-hoc occasions we will implement quiet training hours. The length and restrictions placed will vary. Please note on rare occasions, we may ask gym users lifting weights to reframe from dropping or banging weights on the floor. In addition to lowering the music volume or other measures deemed necessary.

4.9 Only TeamUCL Gym staff and contractors authorised by the Fitness Centre Manager are allowed to conduct personal training at TeamUCL Gym.

4.10 As part of our commitment to running an inclusive space, we operate Women’s-only hours. During women’s-only hours, only female gym users may use the gym. If you would like further information, please see the FAQ section of the site.

Conduct & Conditions of Use

5.1 All members are entitled to a free induction which can be arranged via the fitness centre reception. Any member aged under eighteen years old must have an induction before using the facility.

5.2 Members must read all Health and Safety notices displayed in the fitness centre and always comply with their requirements. You must observe all instructions regarding the safe and proper use of each item of fitness equipment in the fitness centre. You must not use any item of fitness equipment with which you are not familiar or have not received specific induction training on its safe use from a qualified member of staff.

5.3 Members are required to use the safety features of the equipment. If you are unsure how to use a machine, you must not use it until you have obtained instructions from the staff.

5.4 Members must wipe down all machinery and equipment after use and return it, where appropriate, to its original storage place.

5.5 Items placed in the lockers are the responsibility of the owner. TeamUCL Gym takes no responsibility for any lost or damaged items.

5.6 Lockers may only be used during your visit to the fitness centre. Items left overnight will be removed and stored for forty-eight hours before being permanently removed from TeamUCL Gym.

5.7 TeamUCL Gym is an inclusive space. All site users must respect each other, the staff and equipment provided. Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated. The severity of the action taken will be dependent on the circumstances. Staff have the right to ask disruptive members to leave the facility. The Fitness Centre Manager reserves the right to terminate membership if deemed necessary. If membership is terminated due to inappropriate behaviour, no refund or partial refund will be given.

5.8 Members must take responsibility for their own health and safety and must not do anything that could put themselves or others at risk of injury or ill-health.

5.9 Members must not misuse or tamper with any equipment provided in the interests of safety.

5.10 If a member notices anything that could present a risk, for example a defective piece of equipment, or the activities of another person they should report it immediately to a member of staff.

5.11 Misuse of membership, intentionally damaging the facility or equipment, are actions that may also result in the termination of membership.

5.12 You are prohibited from taking photographs or filming within TeamUCL Gym without written permission from management.

5.13 Although this is a comprehensive list, it is not exhaustive. TeamUCL Gym reserve the right to investigate any incident on-site, that endangers safety or causes offence to others.

Last Updated December 2024