"The best thing about volunteering is being able to give ideas... and seeing suggestions translate into tangible results!"
Farimah Beigi is a third year Biosciences student studying BSc Biochemistry - Molecular Biology.
Amy has had the chance to work with a Director who "has been so supportive, always making sure you are getting something out of the voluntary work"
Amy Cotter is a Masters student studying MSc Social Policy and Social Research in the Institute of Education.
"Volunteering balances out your educational experience with impactful and tangible work"
Leora Kurtzer is a full-time Masters student studying History of Art MA.
"The experience gave me the confidence and motivation to establish a volunteering organisation in the future dedicated to sharing music"
Kaito Mizukoshi is a first year BSc Management Science student at UCL and a Project Leader of the Student-Led Volunteering project UCLef. Read about the project's work and Kaito's motivations, new skills and experience so far. 
"I wanted to be active in what I am passionate about"
Clara Sicard is a second-year undergraduate student from the Faculty of Life Sciences, studying Biodiversity and Conservation.
Volunteering Changed My Life...
Undergraduate student, Rebecca Stewart, shares with us her personal story about the impact that volunteering has had upon her life, and why you should do some of your own volunteering too. You never know, it might just change your life!
Mental Health and Volunteering - What’s the Connection?
In the spirit of mental health awareness week, we’re sharing the links between mental wellbeing and volunteering. Volunteers have a massive impact on the mental health of others - and volunteers benefit from it too. 
"It was the first time I had done something on this scale and it gave me the confidence to make similar things happen in the future!"
Aemilia is a third- year Chemical Engineering student at UCL and a Project Leader for Project Impactive. The experience has helped her connect to the UCL community in new ways and learn how to deal with situations of uncertainty.
“I had forgotten how much I missed the process of coming up with solutions to things and being creative.”
Laura Bailey studies MSc Psychological Sciences and leads the Student-Led Camden Carers Centre Project at UCL. The initiative works with a local organisation in Camden, London to reach out and support carers in the area. 
“Project Impactive has been a chance for me to give back and see the results.”
Volodymyr is an undergraduate student studying Mechanical Engineering with Business Finance and tells us more about his experience leading Project Impactive.
"Volunteering has helped me clarify my goals for the future."
Maya Kirby is an undergraduate student in the School of European Languages, Culture and Society (SELCS), studying French and Spanish.
Nominate for the Oliver Hare Altruism Award 2021
Oliver Hare Altruism Award 2021
"It's an amazing feeling knowing that I am inspiring students to study abroad and expand their horizons."
Suthida Chang is a postgraduate student in The Bartlett, studying Innovation, Public Policy and Public Value.
Virtual Volunteering
Since social distancing regulations have been in place, we have been working alongside partners to promote safe volunteering opportunities that have helped students to meet new people, develop skills and deliver valuable support to charities and community originations in need.
"I can see first-hand the impact our work is having on the lives of local young people"
Natasha Wilcock is a year 6 Medicine student at UCL and has been volunteering with Girlguiding St Pancras as a unit leader and assistant commissioner. Read on to her about Natasha's experience of volunteering.
"We all had some first-hand experience with different educational tools and were happy to share our insights"
Hanna Ruhsert is a postgraduate student studying Health Psychology in the department of Epidemiology and Healthcare. Hanna participated in our Social Hackathons this February and helped our charity partner Salusbury World find ways of combating a problem.
"It feels great that ideas we proposed were regarded as helpful"
Wenxin Wang is a postgraduate student in the Department of Information Studies. During February reading week, Wenxin participated in our Social Hackathons and worked with a group of fellow volunteers to help Salusbury World, one of our partner organisations. 
Take a Look Back: Behind the scenes at the London Chinese New Year Festival 2020
Although the in-person celebrations are not happening this year, have a look at the experience of one of our volunteers who worked on the last Chinese New Year Festival that happened in London in 2020!Each ye
"I believe in the power of classical performance as it has great therapeutic effect"
Kaito and Ya-Hsuan are Project Leaders of the Volunteering-Led Project  UCLef that aims to share the beauty of Western-classical music with those who are socially, economically and physically disadvantaged.
"It is a great kickstart for me as I learned about the contribution of such charities in shaping future generations."
Sharvari Mauskar is an MSc Pharmaceuticals student at the UCL School of Pharmacy.