It's Student Volunteering Week Make a difference 

What would you like the Union to do?

I would like the Student Union to:
- Provide free drug testing kits in the union bars
- Provide guidance in freshers' week to help students make well informed decisions around illegal substances and alcohol, as well as provide guidance on how to help their peers struggling with substance abuse issues (perhaps through a leaflet, talk or distributing guides to drug combinations)
- Promote more alcohol-free events for societies
- Provide specific well-being support for substance abuse
- Lobby to UCL to include drug safety in their freshers' week introduction talks and provide more support for those with substance abuse issues

Why would you like to do this?

Often university is a time when students first come into contract with drugs or wish to experiment with them, however they may not always have the correct knowledge to do so safely. And other students may also find themselves using unsafely and do not know where to get help, therefore, as a union, I feel we should create a policy to help these people. Furthermore, there is a large drinking culture in the UK which many may be unfamiliar with and feel pressured into joining, without knowing how to be safe. Overall, at UCL there is a lack of support and services for those who face substance abuse issues and I wish to see this change.

How will this affect students?

Hopefully this will provide students with the knowledge and tools to make well informed decisions around illegal substances and alcohol. Furthermore, this should also affect students which do not take such substances, as I hope it will inform all students on how to recognize when their peers need support and highlight exactly what support can be offered.