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Save money on your water bill
It's Water Saving Week 2024 - here's how you can save water, both helping the environment and saving money!
Maintenance loan just dropped? Here's how to budget it
As a student, learning to manage your money is crucial to ensure your funds last until the end of term. While your maintenance loan or other funding may seem like a large sum at the start of term, making it stretch can be a challenge. But fear not, with some savvy budgeting you can make your money work for you.
Need debt advice? We've got you.
This year is the 10th Anniversary of Debt Awareness Week and Students’ Union UCL is pleased to be able to offer accredited and confidential debt advice from our Money and Budgeting Service.
The best loyalty cards for UCL Students
We've highlighted the top rewards programmes available for popular sites around campus,
An easy way to help us support students facing financial hardship
We’re fundraising to support even more students with the cost of living. Last academic year we awarded more than £215,000 in hardship grants, helping students pay bills, deal with emergencies, and get involved in student life.
9 ways to make a little extra money as a student
Find a job as a student and put money back in your pocket. Here are 9 ways you can make a little extra money as a student.
Budgeting Tips Demystified
4 Budgeting Tips Demystified We know that the cost-of-living crisis has made managing your money harder and budgeting really difficult as many items have increased in price.
What it's like getting financial support?
Lots of students have come forward and recieved financial support this term. We've made the process as easy as possible for you - but don't just take our word for it. Here are three students sharing their experiences of applying for financial support from us.
More than £500k of extra funding to support students in financial need
The Cost of Living crisis will affect everyone, especially students who are already financially stretched. Over the summer we’ve been working to establish new and expanded support for students who may be facing financial hardship over the coming year.
National Student Money Week 2022: Sustainable Spending
This year, National Student Money Week is focusing on sustainable spending so we thought we'd put together some tips to help you manage your finances in an ethical and eco-friendly way.