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This year is the 10th Anniversary of Debt Awareness Week and Students’ Union UCL is pleased to be able to offer accredited and confidential debt advice from our Money and Budgeting Service. If you are experiencing financial hardship or difficulty managing your debts, please speak to our qualified Debt Advisor. We can provide free, tailored, and impartial advice to help you manage your money whilst studying. Some of the most common forms of problem debt experienced by UCL students include Rent arrears, Buy Now Pay Later debt (e.g. Klarna) and Utilities arrears (e.g. Gas, Electricity and Water bills).

We understand that seeking help can be daunting, that’s why we are committed to offering high quality independent advice to all students. Together we want to make managing your money well part of your university experience and help overcome some of the main barriers to seeking advice, as listed below:

I’m not sure what Debt Advice is.

Debts are a normal part of finances, however, it’s when those debts become unmanageable that it can be considered problem debt. Financial worries and problem debt shouldn’t be something you have to deal with alone and we encourage you to get help this #DebtAwarenessWeek. Free and impartial debt advice is available from the Students’ Union Advice service who are ready to help and able to provide tailored advice. We can also support you in accessing debt solutions through specialist independent organisations such as StepChange Debt Charity and navigating advice from the Money Helper website.

I feel stressed about getting help and embarrassed about needing debt advice.

We’re proud to be supporting #DebtAwarenessWeek 2024! This year, the focus is on breaking down the barriers to debt advice and encouraging those who are struggling to reach out. We know that conversations around money and debt can be difficult for several reasons, but our Advisors are trained to support you through the process. The Advice Service offers free, impartial advice and is independent from the University. Appointments are confidential and we can tailor the service to your needs.

I don’t want my credit file to be affected.

Credit scores can be a worry at the best of times, but rest assured, seeking debt advice will not impact your credit score and could help you get your finances back on track. Our Money and Budgeting Service work directly with Experian to offer Credit Score Workshops and can help answer concerns you have about your credit file.

It’s difficult to find time to go get advice around my studies.

We understand finding time to get advice around your studies can be difficult, however, the Advice Service can provide appointments with flexibility. We can provide advice in person, online via Teams or by telephone. If there are other adjustments that you need to access our advice, please contact the Advice Service.

For free and confidential debt advice or the chance to speak to someone about improving your financial situation and knowledge, contact the advice service for an appointment at [email protected]