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This year, National Student Money Week is focusing on sustainable spending so we thought we'd put together some tips to help you manage your finances in an ethical and eco-friendly way.

Plan your meals

Use a meal planner to organise what you will cook during the week and to help reduce food waste. Make sure to check your cupboards, fridge and freezer while preparing your shopping list so you only buy the food that you need. You can find some further tips for meal planning on the kitchn website.

Shop wisely

Save money on your food shops by shopping online to avoid in store temptations and buying excess food which could go to waste. Take advantage of cheaper off-peak delivery times and buy food in bulk with your housemates to save the extra pennies.

Eat the seasons

Get the best out of local produce and avoid paying for food that has flown miles by shopping for food that is in season. Find out what foods are currently in season in the UK on the Eat the Seasons website.

Reduce your energy use

You can cut your energy use and save money on your bills with small actions such as switching off lights when they are not needed and being sensible with the timings for your heating and hot water. Students Organising for Sustainability also has some useful tips for saving on your energy.

Invest in reusable items

Investing in a reusable water bottle and travel mug will pay off in the long run if you often buy drinks from shops or cafes. A lunchbox or reusable sandwich bags will also help you cut out the single-use plastic if you make your own packed lunches.

Travel sustainably

When booking travel for your holidays, opt for less polluting methods such as trains. You could also choose to explore parts of the UK instead of travelling abroad to reduce your carbon footprint and save on travel expenses. For day-to-day travel, make sure to take advantage of green options such as cycling, walking or car sharing.

Shop second hand

Try shopping for clothes in second hand, vintage or charity shops. You can also shop second hand online via apps such as Depop or Vinted. If you're looking for a bit of everything, try the Hanger Marketplace!

Upcycle or fix broken items

Try and repair broken items rather than replacing them straight away. Make sure to check out iFixit which publishes free repair guides for electronics and gadgets. Which also has a guide to getting a refund or repair on faulty items.

If you need any further help with managing your finances, our Advice Service has some information for how you can take control of your money

If you want to take to an adviser about your financial situation in more detail, you can contact the Advice Service to arrange an appointment.