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Brand new for the 2023/24 academic year, we will be sharing who has been nominated as the Student Officer of the Month.

Student Officers are student volunteers that work part-time to represent groups of students at UCL. If you would like to find out who your Student Officers are for the 2023/24 academic year please click here.

Student Officer of the Month
Christopher Johnson

The first Student Officer of the Month is Christopher Johnson your Mature & Part-time Students’ Officer. As the Mature & Part-time Students’ Officer, Christopher is here to represent all postgraduate students over the age of 24, undergraduate students over the age of 21 and all part-time students.

Since being elected in the Leadership Race Christopher has launched the Mature Society to help develop a strong community amongst mature students, attended meetings with University staff and Sabbatical Officers and pushed for improvements relating to the mature and part-time student experience, and hosted a range of events including a walk, rowing and several drinks gatherings.

Christopher has been nominated for this award for the following reasons:

“They bring a revitalising energy to the Network and they are really pushing for the creation of a community amongst a neglected yet large part of the student body. I think recognition of that is not only needed to appreciate the work he is doing in the absence of a lot of the support structures we would like to have but would also signal to that large group students that we hear them, acknowledge our shortcomings, and want to work to make the Union's offering and environment as enriching and inviting for them as it is for the typical undergraduate student.”

Christopher has put his all into getting the community and support for mature and part-time students off the ground. He is passionate and has already made great steps into improving the representation of this group in both the SU and UCL. I believe he should be recognised for his hard work - it is no mean feat to get a society (now with several hundred members!) up and running but also to make one with such an engaged membership (whilst being a volunteer officer, studying, handling life and working!). He really champions mature students and has certainly brought them and their issues to the forefront of my priorities. From the get go Christopher has been on it and I can only hope that we see some real change in the next year for our mature and part-time students (from community building and a thriving society, to transparency on data, to perhaps even a research piece). I think he has really made a difference to these students' experiences already and it has been such a pleasure to see and work with someone so dedicated. Well done Christopher

Congratulations Christopher and thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to your role!

If you would like to nominate a Student Officer for the November award then you have until Thursday 30 November 2023 to send in your nominations here - https://studentsunionucl.org/webform/student-officer-of-the-month