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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Read about what the NUS Delegate role is for.

Students' Union UCL is affiliated to the National Union of Students (NUS) and will send a delegation of students to this year's national conference between 28th and 29th March 2022. The conference will be held in Liverpool, but you can attend the conference virtually. 

Twelve delegates will be elected as part of the Leadership Race and as per NUS policy, 50% of the delegation must self-identify as a woman. 

The winners of NUS Conference (self-defined women can be found below) and the winners of the NUS Conference Remaining Delegates can be found here

Re-open nominations is a winner

Count information

Date count run 18 Mar 2022
Election rules ERS97 STV
Candidates running 15
Available positions 6
Total ballots 1643
Valid votes 1206
Invalid votes 437

Round 1

Zilin Fan [7398] 54.00
Natalie Magness [7678] 113.00
Eesita Poddar [8053] 43.00
Amber Rajham [8546] 18.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 149.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 44.00
Aiyi Mian [9098] 47.00
Meg Day [9167] 96.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 78.00
Suhaila Adan [9458] 81.00
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 30.00
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 107.00
Daria A Duda [10043] 204.00
Zoe Kenan [10069] 26.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 116.00
Exhausted 0.00
Surplus 31.71
Threshold 172.29

Count of first choices. The initial quota is 172.29. Candidate Daria A Duda [10043] has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.

Round 2

Zilin Fan [7398] 54.40
Natalie Magness [7678] 113.80
Eesita Poddar [8053] 43.40
Amber Rajham [8546] 18.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 149.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 44.80
Aiyi Mian [9098] 49.40
Meg Day [9167] 107.60
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 80.00
Suhaila Adan [9458] 83.00
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 31.60
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 115.80
Daria A Duda [10043] 172.29
Zoe Kenan [10069] 26.40
RON (Re-open Nominations) 116.00
Exhausted 0.51
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 172.20

Count after transferring surplus votes from Daria A Duda [10043]. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 3

Zilin Fan [7398] 55.40
Natalie Magness [7678] 115.80
Eesita Poddar [8053] 44.40
Amber Rajham [8546] 0.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 149.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 44.80
Aiyi Mian [9098] 51.40
Meg Day [9167] 109.60
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 80.00
Suhaila Adan [9458] 83.00
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 32.60
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 115.80
Daria A Duda [10043] 172.29
Zoe Kenan [10069] 26.40
RON (Re-open Nominations) 116.00
Exhausted 9.51
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 170.70

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Amber Rajham [8546]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 4

Zilin Fan [7398] 56.40
Natalie Magness [7678] 117.80
Eesita Poddar [8053] 44.40
Amber Rajham [8546] 0.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 150.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 45.80
Aiyi Mian [9098] 53.40
Meg Day [9167] 112.60
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 80.00
Suhaila Adan [9458] 85.00
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 32.60
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 117.80
Daria A Duda [10043] 172.29
Zoe Kenan [10069] 0.40
RON (Re-open Nominations) 117.00
Exhausted 20.51
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 168.87

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Zoe Kenan [10069]. Transferred votes with value 1.00.

Round 5

Zilin Fan [7398] 56.40
Natalie Magness [7678] 117.80
Eesita Poddar [8053] 44.40
Amber Rajham [8546] 0.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 150.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 45.80
Aiyi Mian [9098] 53.40
Meg Day [9167] 113.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 80.00
Suhaila Adan [9458] 85.00
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 32.60
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 117.80
Daria A Duda [10043] 172.29
Zoe Kenan [10069] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 117.00
Exhausted 20.51
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 168.87

Count after substage 2 of 2 of eliminating Zoe Kenan [10069]. Transferred votes with value 0.40. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 6

Zilin Fan [7398] 56.40
Natalie Magness [7678] 119.80
Eesita Poddar [8053] 45.40
Amber Rajham [8546] 0.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 151.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 47.80
Aiyi Mian [9098] 54.40
Meg Day [9167] 114.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 82.00
Suhaila Adan [9458] 92.00
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 1.60
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 117.80
Daria A Duda [10043] 172.29
Zoe Kenan [10069] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 118.00
Exhausted 33.51
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 166.70

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640]. Transferred votes with value 1.00.

Round 7

Zilin Fan [7398] 56.40
Natalie Magness [7678] 120.20
Eesita Poddar [8053] 45.40
Amber Rajham [8546] 0.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 151.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 48.60
Aiyi Mian [9098] 54.40
Meg Day [9167] 114.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 82.00
Suhaila Adan [9458] 92.40
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 0.00
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 117.80
Daria A Duda [10043] 172.29
Zoe Kenan [10069] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 118.00
Exhausted 33.51
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 166.70

Count after substage 2 of 2 of eliminating Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640]. Transferred votes with value 0.40. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 8

Zilin Fan [7398] 56.40
Natalie Magness [7678] 121.20
Eesita Poddar [8053] 0.40
Amber Rajham [8546] 0.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 164.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 49.60
Aiyi Mian [9098] 54.40
Meg Day [9167] 114.00
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 84.00
Suhaila Adan [9458] 92.40
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 0.00
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 117.80
Daria A Duda [10043] 172.29
Zoe Kenan [10069] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 118.00
Exhausted 61.51
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 161.64

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Eesita Poddar [8053]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Candidate Niharika Lal [8868] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Round 9

Zilin Fan [7398] 56.40
Natalie Magness [7678] 121.20
Eesita Poddar [8053] 0.00
Amber Rajham [8546] 0.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 164.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 49.60
Aiyi Mian [9098] 54.40
Meg Day [9167] 114.40
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 84.00
Suhaila Adan [9458] 92.40
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 0.00
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 117.80
Daria A Duda [10043] 172.29
Zoe Kenan [10069] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 118.00
Exhausted 61.51
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 161.64

Count after substage 2 of 2 of eliminating Eesita Poddar [8053]. Transferred votes with value 0.40. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 10

Zilin Fan [7398] 56.40
Natalie Magness [7678] 122.20
Eesita Poddar [8053] 0.00
Amber Rajham [8546] 0.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 164.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 1.60
Aiyi Mian [9098] 55.40
Meg Day [9167] 116.40
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 94.00
Suhaila Adan [9458] 106.40
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 0.00
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 118.80
Daria A Duda [10043] 172.29
Zoe Kenan [10069] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 118.00
Exhausted 80.51
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 157.84

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Shoora Shafeeq [9076]. Transferred votes with value 1.00.

Round 11

Zilin Fan [7398] 56.40
Natalie Magness [7678] 122.20
Eesita Poddar [8053] 0.00
Amber Rajham [8546] 0.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 164.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 0.00
Aiyi Mian [9098] 55.40
Meg Day [9167] 116.40
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 94.40
Suhaila Adan [9458] 107.60
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 0.00
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 118.80
Daria A Duda [10043] 172.29
Zoe Kenan [10069] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 118.00
Exhausted 80.51
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 157.84

Count after substage 2 of 2 of eliminating Shoora Shafeeq [9076]. Transferred votes with value 0.40. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 12

Zilin Fan [7398] 59.40
Natalie Magness [7678] 125.20
Eesita Poddar [8053] 0.00
Amber Rajham [8546] 0.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 164.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 0.00
Aiyi Mian [9098] 2.40
Meg Day [9167] 132.40
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 96.40
Suhaila Adan [9458] 112.60
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 0.00
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 123.80
Daria A Duda [10043] 172.29
Zoe Kenan [10069] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 118.00
Exhausted 99.51
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 154.04

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Aiyi Mian [9098]. Transferred votes with value 1.00.

Round 13

Zilin Fan [7398] 59.40
Natalie Magness [7678] 125.20
Eesita Poddar [8053] 0.00
Amber Rajham [8546] 0.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 164.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 0.00
Aiyi Mian [9098] 0.00
Meg Day [9167] 132.80
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 96.40
Suhaila Adan [9458] 113.00
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 0.00
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 124.20
Daria A Duda [10043] 172.29
Zoe Kenan [10069] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 118.00
Exhausted 100.71
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 153.80

Count after substage 2 of 2 of eliminating Aiyi Mian [9098]. Transferred votes with value 0.40. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 14

Zilin Fan [7398] 0.40
Natalie Magness [7678] 130.20
Eesita Poddar [8053] 0.00
Amber Rajham [8546] 0.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 164.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 0.00
Aiyi Mian [9098] 0.00
Meg Day [9167] 136.80
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 102.40
Suhaila Adan [9458] 114.00
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 0.00
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 127.20
Daria A Duda [10043] 172.29
Zoe Kenan [10069] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 120.00
Exhausted 138.71
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 146.20

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Zilin Fan [7398]. Transferred votes with value 1.00.

Round 15

Zilin Fan [7398] 0.00
Natalie Magness [7678] 130.20
Eesita Poddar [8053] 0.00
Amber Rajham [8546] 0.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 164.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 0.00
Aiyi Mian [9098] 0.00
Meg Day [9167] 136.80
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 102.40
Suhaila Adan [9458] 114.00
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 0.00
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 127.60
Daria A Duda [10043] 172.29
Zoe Kenan [10069] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 120.00
Exhausted 138.71
Surplus 0.00
Threshold 146.20

Count after substage 2 of 2 of eliminating Zilin Fan [7398]. Transferred votes with value 0.40. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.

Round 16

Zilin Fan [7398] 0.00
Natalie Magness [7678] 132.20
Eesita Poddar [8053] 0.00
Amber Rajham [8546] 0.00
Niharika Lal [8868] 164.00
Shoora Shafeeq [9076] 0.00
Aiyi Mian [9098] 0.00
Meg Day [9167] 138.80
Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343] 2.40
Suhaila Adan [9458] 173.00
Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova) [9640] 0.00
Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] 129.60
Daria A Duda [10043] 172.29
Zoe Kenan [10069] 0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations) 125.00
Exhausted 168.71
Surplus 0.71
Threshold 128.86

All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Hudaa Bhugaloo [9343]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Candidate Suhaila Adan [9458] has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates Natalie Magness [7678] and Meg Day [9167] have reached the threshold and are elected. Candidate Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winners are Natalie Magness [7678], Niharika Lal [8868], Meg Day [9167], Suhaila Adan [9458], Laura Bianca Ionescu [9787], and Daria A Duda [10043].


Daria A Duda
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Over the past 2 years NUS has been wonderfully committed to the fight for liberated and demarketized education, standing in solidarity with UCU strike action and culminating in the recent NUS Student Strike that protested the unequal treatment of student and workers alike by money-hungry institutions that universities have become. If elected as a NUS delegate, I will vote for this comitment to continue, so that NUS can continue to fight for the students' right to free, accessible and caring university.  

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have extensive experience in grassroots organising, especially in the area of LGBTQ+ rights activism. At UCL, I've been involved in multiple student organising campaings at UCL, including the UCL Vote Yes campaign for the SU to support the striking staff and the recent protests and trans rights campaigning to rejoin Stonewall. I've also held a variety of representative roles such as Women’s Rep for the LGBTQ+ Student’s Network, as well as Course Rep and LGBTQ+ Rep in my departmental EDI Comittee.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I have a bold vision for what a radically caring university could look like and the determination and pragmatism to envisage a steps to achieve this. I'd be a critical and considerate voice in a delegation. 

Suhaila Adan
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Decolonising Education: fight for a curriculum that envisions all cultures and knowledge systems.

Covid-19: Fight for better provisions to support students who have struggled as a result of the Corona Virus

Free Palestine: Campaigning and working towards bringing Human Rights to the Palestinian people.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Reliable: I am a goal-oriented individual, reflected in the awards I received during my undergraduate. I was awarded ‘The Best Clinician Award’ due to my due diligence, taking the initiative, and going above and beyond.

Easily approachable: I always make myself available in developing my community. I carried out multiple women empowerment workshop programs in rural areas in Kenya. I encouraged women’s professional and personal development through computer literacy skills.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I am running for NUS delegate because I want to represent UCL Student Union at NUS national conference. My agenda lists outs relevant material on dealing with social dynamics within education. I cannot express these views without your support. I WANT to represent YOU and uphold your voices at a national level. 

Vote YES!

Laura Bianca Ionescu
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I thoroughly understand the importance of such a conference as the NUS one and wish to engage with its importance in formulating policies that will better the welfare of students and staff. The NUS has the capability of mobilising students nation-wide. As reiterated below, I stand by free education, student-worker solidarity, fair pay, caped rent, equality in employment and education and more.

By pushing NUS to become an active vehicle for change across the UK, but most importantly UCL, we can make a difference. I will be sure to stand by this at the conference.


What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Transparency and reactionary behaviour. The first means I value the importance of honesty and success within the student body: having the ability to understand everyone’s wishes and aspirations for the union and consequently acting towards catering to your needs. Reactionary behaviour comes as a result of things gone wrong; which is inevitable in an ever-changing, fast-paced environment, ardently striving towards the betterment of our academics. I am well accustomed to the need to adapt, complete unforeseeable tasks at uncomfortable times, so that our goal is well achieved.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Free education. Student-worker solidarity. Fair and equal pay. 

I am standing as a candidate for the UCL NUS Conference Delegate because I believe in the importance of optimism during crisis. As students, we hold the power to make a difference in our education but also within the workforce before we enter it or graduate. As I took part in the UCU strikes and marches, the UCL's trans and women rights campaigns as well as in the Palestine, Ukrainian and Yemen protests, things became clear - the possibility of change is within our student grasp.

Thank you for your trust!

Shoora Shafeeq
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

If elected as NUS delegate, my priorities for the conference will be:

Mental Health Support: lobby for increased and culturally competent mental health support and campaign to allocate more funding for these services.

International Student Support: raise awareness about challenges international students face & push for additional support for them.

Better housing support: lobby for increased hardship funds to mitigate increased living costs & for better guarantor schemes for students not able to find guarantors.

Fighting all forms of discrimination.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have experience in lobbying and advocating for student rights through my work in external organisations and have a deep understanding of the issues pertaining to students. 

As part of the BME Network & Women's Network committee and as a volunteering rep I currently work on incorporating student views in policy-making processes and other discussions. I worked as a course rep to bring forward thoughts, ideas and concerns of students and served as a student trustee in the SU and so have plenty of experience in effectively representing and amplifying student voices.


Niharika Lal
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

The pandemic has severely impacted the lives of students. This position would give me the opportunity to be involved in shaping the next steps of campaigns on pressing issues such as mental health and economic injustice.  

I want to represent the collective voice and interests of the students by demanding for an equal voting system for the NUS policy.

As your delegate, I aim to focus on making the NUS less of a petty, factional organisation and more of a relevant, progressive organisation that is successful in fighting for students and delivering value to their education.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Since I’m a person with strong communication and interpersonal skills, I believe I am a potential candidate for this position. My experience as a panellist for the student inclusivity champions panel has helped me develop leadership skills. It has helped me employ active listening skills and the ability to reflect on others’ views. I will strongly influence students to initiate a debate about the issues that they are facing as students.

If I could represent UCLSU, I would make the best decisions for the upliftment of all UCL students.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I hope to achieve 4 goals through this conference:

A fair wage for placement students: Students who are working full-time jobs deserve a fair and equitable wage.

Liberating Education : Making sure that our NU is at the forefront of fighting for fair and accessible education.

Agenda of the conference : I will abstain on debates that deviate from student-related topics.

Black attainment gap: BAG is a pressing issue as it is becoming increasingly lower by each passing year. I want to be the voice of BAME students on a national platform.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I aim to be a conscientious representative of students’ needs and voices. As an NUS delegate, I will also aim to carry on my involvement with socialist climate and feminist action. Education should be inclusive and free - students, officers, organizers, activists and campaigners must stand in solidarity with one another, fighting for a free, nationally funded education against casualization and unequal conditions! 


What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I’ve been supporting the work of UCL Student Socialist Alternative for the academic year - I’ve also helped with the preparation and organization of protests to demand free education and strike action for the UCU. 

I’m experienced with graphic design and editing. I’m familiar with software such as Canva, ProCreate and Adobe Premiere. This means I can use art, photography/videography and social media to mobilize students to build mass movements. 


Please summarise why students should vote for you.

The only way for us to truly fight against unbearable conditions and inequality in education is to fight against the system and its bodies. I’m a consistently active member of such demonstrations on campus. I’m also a curious learner and patient listener, hoping to represent the wider student body at UCL. This means building a mass movement for students, defending workers and consistently showing up and contributing to meetings, campaigning, demonstrations!


Natalie Magness
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

First-year students face unique challenges, often only understood by a fellow fresher (like myself!), from moving to a different country or city to adapting to new teaching styles. Unfortunately, university-wide conversations often overlook these issues and instead prioritise others felt more widely across the student demographic. Therefore, if elected, in addition to representing UCL and our SU, I strive to be the voice for us first-years in particular, especially to improve transition and mental health support to be tailored for overcoming that sometimes overwhelming post-secondary jump.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Growing up an expat in Qatar, I have been very fortunate in my privileges; hence I believe it my duty to lead for positive change. I am the Life Sciences Faculty Undergraduate Representative at UCL, a Youth Advocate at the charity Education Above All, a curator at the World Innovation Summit for Education, and an ambassador for the Qatar Airways Student Club and Doha Debates. I also founded Qatar's first youth empowerment conference, Qatar Youth Power. These involvements have enabled me to hone skills such as leadership and team management- key assets to possess as a successful NUS delegate.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Through my unique blend of involvement and passion in education, stemming from my experience with educational charities and in leadership, having founded several initiatives and organisations, I am an ideal candidate for being the voice of UCL's SU and student body nationally. I will ensure every challenge any student faces, especially that of first-years, is heard and appropriately addressed. There will be no empty promises; instead, I will ensure we reach concrete and deliverable solutions, helping bring us closer to making the best possible educational experience for us all a reality.

Amber Rajham
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I would work to be a true representative for UCL, and approach all Conference issues with as much of an objective mindset as possible. I would aim to unify relations between the instution of university with the wellbeing of the student body, as well as aiming to increase the influence and power of the will of the students at UCL, reaching as many people as possible to create a more positive future for us all.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Being a Student Representative, I have found myself raising issues of varying degrees of seriousness to key figures in my department.  I have previously held the roles of Ethnic Minorities Officer in MidEssex Young Labour, and was Women's Officer in the exec. of my previous constintuency's Labour Party. Therefore, I am well familiarised with the structure of unions and conferences, and can use the skills I have acquired from my membership for serving the UCL student body by persisting in our voices being heard.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Having recently joined The Americas Department of UCL, I aim to use the position as Conference Delegate to to achieve the best student life and wellbeing at the university possible. I am fast getting to grips with the dynamics of university life and issues that students may face during their journeys through education.

Considering my extensive experience within the Labour party, I would feel very comfortable speaking with unions and contibuting in the conference, as I have in my previous roles.

Thanks for reading; I hope I have your vote!

Zoe Kenan
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I am standing to be a NUS Delegate because I want to improve students’ experience at UCL and the quality of education received. My priority would be to advocate for a free and decolonised education, and push for progressive motions to help the National Union of Students be at the forefront of addressing our current crisis in education. I would also advocate for an end to student food insecurity, and for a university that is accessible to all.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

My name is Zoe, I’m a third-year undergraduate studying History, Politics and Economics at SSEES. I am involved in students advocacy on campus and with Liberate the University, a student activist group advocating for free, decolonised and demarketised education.


Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I have a lot of experience representing my peers. While in high school, I was a member of student committees which advocated for students. As Delegate, I would be make sure your voices are heard. International students pay exorbitant fees and face a hostile environment. I commit to representing their interests as well.

This year, in the largest vote in university history, the students voted to support the UCU strikes. As NUS delegate, I pledge to continue this commitment. Staff at UCL - lecturers, PGTAs, cleaners, security - deserve fair pay and good working conditions. 

Meg Day
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Our NUS must remain dedicated and committed to fighting for a free and liberated education for all. Over the last two years, the NUS has been at the forefront of our vibrant student movement. As the largest union in the country and our biggest representative body, it is pivotal that we have delegates that will defend this going forward.

If elected as your UCL NUS delegate, I will defend our movement on the conference floor and beyond. Our NUS is a crucial institution within the fight for free education, and I look forward to being part of fighting that it remains one that benefits us all.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I'm a trade unionist and socialist organiser with seven years of experience on the UK left - in the student movement and beyond. I recently was elected as student trustee on a pro-BDS and pro-UCU platform: my experience trying to these implement these changes within such a bureaucracy has trained me well for managing a similar task within NUS. Additionally, I currently sit on the society committees of UCL Labour and as UCL Students for Justice in Palestine.

I will defend a de-marketised education system within NUS and ensure we do not resort to capitulate on our demands or radical vision.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

If you care about the struggle for a free, democratised, de-marketised, life-long and liberated education for all: vote for me! I have the experience, the energy and the dedication to this movement and will ensure that the NUS remains a positive force and maintains its commitment to a system that benefits us all. I am not here for the betterment of my status or career, and truly just care for representing the increasingly radical voice of UCL students within the NUS.

We must defend the radical legacy of the last two years and ensure we only go forward! ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!

Eesita Poddar
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I believe that variety, diversity, and differences are a part of an ideal learning community. One thing that I hope to achieve as a part of the delegation is more academic inclusivity of different cultures in the UK curriculum. A broadening of the academic spectrum to include courses from all around the world will promote respect and recognition for diversity and inclusivity.

Moreover, I would like to achieve more priority for student well-being and mental health and achieve common understanding of difficulties faced by them around the pandemic and the current world situation. 

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

As the Founder of Pankh, a menstrual hygiene organization to empower rural, menstruating girls by building self-esteem for greater socialization during their periods, I learned what it means to be the voice of others. In the course, interacting with people from diverse backgrounds, enhanced my ability to work in cross-cultural environments, amplifying my exposure and communication skills. This will help me add value to the NUS as a delegate as I would be able to voice students' opinions better, more confidently, and with an open mind. 


Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Being an international student from one of the most diverse countries in the world has increased my cultural appreciation and has made me more receptive to diverse opinions, ideas and views. This will help me empathize with and take a stand for the larger student body at UCL. My transition from being a minority group in India to an international student at UCL can help inspire other students like me and make the journey easier. 

I am eager to work collaboratively to help campaign policies that promote student welfare and believe that actions speak louder than words. 

Hudaa Bhugaloo
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Hi, I'm Hudaa and I'm running to represent YOU and amplify your voices. I will be voting consciously based on your concerns, canvass for your general wellbeing at NUS on and off campus. 

1) Decolonising education, making Eid day exam-free

2)PREVENT, blatantly islamophobic/ racially profiles students

3) Mental Health Support & constancy in welfare

4) Accessibility for Muslims- douchettes in toilets

5) Apartheid Off Campus

7) Accessing an equitable tertiary education

8) Fighting all forms of discrimination and making

SU reflective of our best interests!

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have previous experience of being my sixth form's Integrity Club president, which aimed at fighting corruption in academic spaces. Being involved in liberation campaigns pushed me to better understand the struggles underrepresented members face and this will allow me to

delve into the nuances of each student's

experience to improve it. Volunteering opportunities made me proactive by gaining the

interpersonal skills required to transparently

engage with the concerns students have and

motioning those.


Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I hope to propone schemes that'll prompt

positive changes. My role is representing the core values of students and prioritise them amongst other affairs. Disparities and inequalities in education need to be addressed so students can thrive. Affirmative actions should be taken to ensure that campuses provide an open, equitable and inclusive space for ALL students. I envision an ameliorated campus that primarily cares for our wellbeing instead of being overly bureaucratic and tokenistic. I care about sensible policies being enacted and NUS to remedy students' issues. 

Nouf A S Algazlan (Nova)
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Mental Wellbeing: Pushing for easier and quicker access for students in crisis.

Opposing PREVENT: The ‘PREVENT’ strategy has led to state censorship and routine

racial profiling of Muslim students on our campuses. I will support initiatives to oppose it.



What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Easily approachable: I am the current LLM representative. I am able to actively listen to your views and bridge the gap between students needs in UCL and expressing them at the NUS.

Reliable: I ensured to resolve students complaints with regard to exam changes due to Covid-19. This led to extensive reporting on students sentiments towards the examination department.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I am running for NUS delegate because I want to represent UCL Student Union at NUS national conference. My agenda lists outs relevant material on dealing with social dynamics within education. I cannot express these views without your support. I WANT to represent YOU and uphold your voices at a national level. 

Vote YES!

Zilin Fan
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Presenting and articulating our views and positions at the conference

Focus on how to make sense of our teaching and learning

How to balance study work and life

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

 Excellent and in-depth multi-faceted understanding of students. As a current UCL postgraduate student and a PGTA on some courses in the School of Engineering, and a professional student representative, I am very familiar with undergraduate and postgraduate teaching content stances and approaches.I have an excellent ability to summarise and identify issues and express my views. I have several internships (e.g., Microsoft) and have been involved in two papers (eg AAAI, EI.)I learn more about people's perspectives by regularly interacting with students from different countries.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

 Excellent and in-depth multi-faceted understanding of students. As a current UCL postgraduate student and a PGTA on some courses in the School of Engineering, and a professional student representative, I am very familiar with undergraduate and postgraduate teaching content stances and approaches.I have an excellent ability to summarise and identify issues and express my views. I have several internships (e.g., Microsoft) and have been involved in two papers (eg AAAI, EI.)I learn more about people's perspectives by regularly interacting with students from different countries.