Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed
Read about what the Mature & Part-Time Students' Officer is responsible for.
In order to vote for this position you must be a part-time student OR a student who began an undergraduate course after the age of 21, or a postgraduate course after the age of 24.

1. First-hand experience
2. Concrete and real-life approach to problem solving
3. Understanding of the diversity of problems faced by part-time students doing research.
4. Great inter-personal skills with the ability to analyse problems and resolve analytically.
1. Bring to fore the unique challenges faced by part-time students.
2. Promote inclusion of part-time students in UCL-wide planning.
3. Promote social events targetted at part-time students wgo usually misses out due to time constraints.
4. Make UCL one of the best Unis for part-time studies in the world.
Being a part-time students with parental and work responsibility, I understand the various challenges faced by pert-time students through real-life experience of the cracks and holes in the current models. I wish to transform part-time and mature students' UCL experience if given the platform.