Browse all the candidates in the Leadership Race 

Your Role

You will lead new Mature, Part-time & Carers Students' Network and oversee the development of an engaging, dynamic and rewarding community of mature, part-time and students with caring responsibilities and represent their interests and needs to the Union. Working with the Welfare & Community Officer, represent these collective interests to UCL and beyond.

Issues You May Work On

As a Student Officer, you will work closely with students and Sabbatical Officers. Issues may vary depending on student concern. However, previous Officers have worked on issues such as:

  • Community building and social events.
  • Networking and skills support.
  • Working with the Postgraduate Officer and the Welfare & Community Officer to lobby national government for more for funding mature students.

Meetings You Will Attend

  • Welfare & Community Zone – Five meetings throughout the year.

Your Eligibility

Any continuing UCL student who is registered as a part-time student at UCL or began an undergraduate course after the age of 21, or a postgraduate course after the age of 24. Or Any continuing UCL student with caring responsibilities. This includes anyone who provides unpaid care for a child or for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, a mental health issue or an addiction cannot cope without their support.

Time Required For Role

This is a part-time, unpaid position. You are expected to attend Welfare and Community Zone and a range of additional events, approx. 20-25 hours per term. This role allows job shares.

Welcome and Training

The role is supported by a full programme of training, development and support to help build all of the skills and knowledge required and to support longer term personal development. This includes a two day training session at the end of May/Start of June.

If you have any questions, please email -