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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed



Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run18 Mar 2022
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running4
Available position1
Total ballots61
Valid votes61
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Daniel D B Qi [8364]14.00
Claire Woodyard [8528]44.00
Aryan M Shah Kenia [9197]1.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)2.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 30.50. Candidate Claire Woodyard [8528] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winner is Claire Woodyard [8528].


Claire Woodyard

Hello! I’m Claire, a second-year Geography student. I’ve been a member of the UCL Anime Society since 2020 and, in this time, I have grown to hold so much amount of love and admiration for the people within this society. Therefore, it would be an honour to support this society as the Welfare Officer for this coming year.

My main priorities as Welfare Officer are:

  • To ensure that the members of Anisoc feel listened to

  • To make sure that everyone feels comfortable and included in our society

  • To ensure that members are aware of the support resources that they can access, both from UCL and beyond

My experience as a course representative gives me confidence in organizing feedback opportunities, solving students' issues, and ensuring that students receive the support they need, and I will utilize this experience in this role. If I am elected, I will create an anonymous online form for feedback to improve communication between the society’s members and its committee.

I believe that inclusivity is integral to welfare. I am aware that, due to the size of this society, it can sometimes be intimidating for members to get involved with socials. Therefore, I would like to resume women and non-binary socials and encourage more informal online events for everyone to ensure that every member feels involved.

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to showing you what I can do for Anisoc!


Aryan M Shah Kenia

I properly began watching anime during my summer of A levels and since then have completed the likes of Naruto, One Piece among other animes. I have even completed mangas, mahuas and light novels for some series and so I properly understand the community an anime builds for its viewers and for the people who appreciate. And so I hope to maintain the society by becoming a welfare officer making sure that all the members feel the same sense of community that is instilled in us whenever we appreciate a masterpiece.

My personal favourite quote from One Piece 'Nothing Happened- by Zoro at the end of thriller bark

(P.s the quote was unnecessary I just wanted to include it in)

Daniel D B Qi

Hi there, whether you have met me before or not, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Daniel.


So why do I take a stand? Recall the first time you walked into the anime society, whether it is the Wednesday social or a event like the LAU Halloween party, you look around and everybody seems to know everybody, leaving you lost in the crowd? There, right there, you got it. Welfare is more than that, by a concrete certainty, but the fundamental force that drives me to want to take a stand is because I know how it feels to be lost, and maybe even a bit scared. But I was provided with great kindness, by you, all of you reading this right now and hence I want to offer the same kindness back. After all, I really wish this place can be a home for everyone.