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Welcome to Japan Society!

Japan society is OPEN TO EVERYONE, whether you’re interested in the culture, in learning the language or are Japanese!


Every year we have more than 400 members, with 70% not even being Japanese! At Japan society you can meet a whole variety of people from lots of different backgrounds so make sure to check it out!


The standard membership is only £5. With this membership you can go to all events and free language lessons

Paid members also get some nice discounts from our partner shops and cafés in London!


All the information about the society will be on Instagram @ucljapan so make sure to follow! https://www.instagram.com/ucljapan/



  • We hold events pretty much every week! We have both cultural and social events. Some examples include:
    • Speed friending
    • Calligraphy
    • Tea ceremony
    • Sports day
    • Karaoke
    • And many more!
  • We also have a few paid events (members get discounts) such as the yearly boat party!


Language lessons:

  • We have 5 different levels for keen language learners, beginner to advanced
  • Lessons are run by our wonderful volunteer teachers (who can also enjoy some teacher exclusive discounts and events)
  • Lessons are very friendly and casual; you can decide on your own about turning up etc, no one will chase you! 
  • More information will be released on instagram



  • Mainly for those who are intending to work in Japan, we regularly hold career events for members. 
  • We are partnered with many companies such as CFN, Connect Job, Fast offer Japan, BCG etc 
  • Check our Instagram account dedicated entirely to careers if you are interested https://www.instagram.com/ucljapancareers/
  • There’s also a WhatsApp group for careers where information is sent (Please fill out this form to join https://forms.gle/uycwjQJ6ULqd3MzL7)

We hope you join our large community at Japan Society!