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At the UCL Francophone Society we are dedicated to encouraging students to discover the francophone culture, as well as offering French and non-French speakers a platform to meet each other. Since 2006, we strive to create a diverse community that every UCL student can be a part of, and where newcomers can integrate themselves in the student life! We organize social and cultural events on a regular basis throughout the year, and inform our members through newsletters, Facebook (@uclfrancophonesociety), and Instagram (@uclfrancosoc)!


At the Francophone Society, we take responsibility in ensuring that all of our events are adapted to health guidelines. We now offer online events to ensure that everyone can attend safely. These include: political & cultural conferences, French classes, and various socials.

We also organize cheese & wine tastings, movie screenings, karaokes, theatre plays, and nightclub events!


Our French classes are for all students, from beginners to advanced speakers!

Instead of strict educational learning methods, we believe that socializing with francophone people is the best way to progress in French. More than just teachers, the educational team is composed of students who want to share their knowledge in the French language and in the francophone culture in a very friendly approach.


Truly inclusive, we are open to everyone eager to enjoy francophone-themed social and cultural events, and take pride in the diversity of our members!

Think no more! Get the membership, and become a member of our ever-growing community.

UCL Francophone Society have signed the Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment Pledge.