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The Cricket Club is one of UCL's oldest sport societies. We have four summer teams, three competitive and one mixed recreational, so whether you're the next Don Bradman, or just looking for an excuse to spend time in the sun with some mates, the Cricket club is perfect for you.  

2023 was a successful year for the cricket club, it saw our 1st XI promoted and playing some of UCL's best cricket ever, whilst our 2nd XI went unbeaten the whole season, narrowly missing promotion of their own. Also, for the second year running we beat KCL 3-0 in varsity and we are eager to make it a post covid triple-triple.


  • Every Wednesday during terms 1+2 we train in the indoor centre at Lords.
  • Additional indoor training during the winter at Somerstown Sports Centre.
  • Weekly summer nets at Highgate and fielding sessions at Regents during term 3.


  • Weekly term 3 BUCS games for the 1st and 2nd XIs.
  • Weekly Term 3 LUSL games for 3rd and 4th XIs.
  • Varisty vs KCL (7th June)
  • Inter-club fixtures to bulk out the fixture list for the summer months.


  • Weekly sports night at phineas and Scala.
  • Club meals and Curry nights.
  • Club days out to watch the County Championship, T20 Blast, and Hundred.
  • UCLCC FC winter five-a-side team (TBC)


  • The 'standard' £60 membership will give you access to all training sessions, games and socials* for the year.
  • The 'taster' membership will allow you to attend a Lords net session in term 1, so you can try before you buy.

*certain socials may have an additional cost.

We look forward to seeing you this year!

This Club is Pride in Sport Accredited