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"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." —— Hebrews 6:19a

At the heart of London, the Chinese Christian Anchor Fellowship is dedicated to nurturing disciples of Christ and equipping them as spiritual warriors. During our university years, our members serve as messengers of the gospel on campus, and in the future, they become witnesses of the Good News in diverse fields of life.

Within the community of Christian students, we emphasize a holistic approach to faith development. Through worship and prayer (upward orientation), grounding in the truth of God's Word (inward growth), and various social activities (outward engagement), we aim to cultivate wholehearted, Spirit-filled Christians. We also warmly welcome friends who are curious about the Christian faith, engaging in truth-seeking discussions and compassionate service as we walk alongside them.

我们希望在UCL的校园为基督栽培门徒,训练精兵, 成为福音的使者;在将来,是不同禾场中福音的见证人。成为一群拥有国度视野的基督徒,勇于思考,看重他人,常保开放的弹性,力求更新教会,抗衡世界又同时关怀世界。让我们可以通过敬拜祷告(向上),真理扎根(向内),以及各类社交活动(向外)中,训练成为被圣灵充满的全人全心的基督徒。

Join us in our mission to be anchors of hope and faith on campus and beyond, serving as beacons of light in a world seeking truth and meaning!



WeChat account: UCL_Anchor

Instagram account: anchor_ucl