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أهلاً و سهلاً and Welcome to UCL Arab & North African Society, 

Mar7aba ya jama3a! Okay so we might be a bit biased, but we are (arguably) the best society on campus - certainly one of the most diverse! - and we'd like to invite you to join us this year with all that we've got planned. Our events range from games nights to educational talks and from ice skating to charity dinners, with regular chill socials dotted in between - there is definitely an event to suit everyone's interests!

*Okay quick interjection here* please make sure you follow us on our Instagram, Facebook and our BRAND NEW TIKTOK AND YOUTUBE as well as our other socials to stay up to date with our latest developments, to be entertained while intellectually engaged and so much more. Done? Akeed? Alright, continue :)

Our aims as a society revolve around these three mission statements:

  1. Growing a more connected Arab & North African community at UCL, and maintaining them through social, alumni and networking events.
  2. Educating, discussing and providing events regarding our rich history, diverse culture and divisive North African and Middle Eastern politics (we’ll save any arguments for our iconic “Dates & Debates” events though!).
  3. Giving back to the wider Arab & North African community through charity projects and inspirational university days. Previously we were involved in the cross-uni Little Smiles project that raised £100k for orphans in Sudan and raised over £14k for our Homes4Syria Project, and picked up first prize for most money raised by a university society!

As well as all of this, we are launching an all-new mentorship platform where you can get mentored by other Arabs & North Africans, alumni or students, in your department/faculty/industry. From degree help, to CV building, to career advice, this is your chance to connect with people who have experienced what you’re going through and explore opportunities newly available to you. 

We also run weekly Arabic classes, so whether you're a complete beginner, need to brush up on your ا ب ت, or just want some conversational practice with native speakers, make sure you come along to our taster sessions at the start of the year! Click HERE for more details on Arabic class payments.

The Arab & North African Society is committed to providing a fun and welcoming atmosphere for all Arabs & North Africans on campus and anyone else interested in our culture. Our diverse committee means that nearly all of the Middle Eastern and North African countries and UCL departments are represented, so you'll fit in for sure! 



We hope you are excited for this year as much as we are!!

Follow us on our social medias for more information and regular updates of events:


Charity Iftar
21/03/2025 | 18:00 - 21:00