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What will improve your experience at UCL?

Student reps meet regularly to discuss ideas on how to improve the UCL experience at our monthly Activities, Education, and Welfare and Community meetings. These meetings are called 'Zones' and the students you elect during the Rep Election attend these meetings to discuss and vote on the proposals. Our first Zone meetings of the year took place last month. You are welcome to attend these meetings and join the discussions, however you will not be able to vote on the proposals.

Each meeting discusses new ideas and more developed policy proposals aimed at improving the student experience. We want your input on these ideas! Read on to find out what's being discussed at the upcoming meetings and to have your say!

What ideas are going to be discussed?

Welfare and Community Zone agenda for the 5 December meeting

The policy: the union should provide: free drug testing kits, guidance on substance use to encourage informed decisions, promote alcohol-free society events, well-being support for substance abuse, and lobby UCL to include drug safety in new student talks. Overall, the policy aims to ensure students have the knowledge to make safer decisions and know where to seek help if they struggle with substance abuse. What do you think of the ideas in this policy proposal? Give your opinion here!

The policy: there is currently no permanent security staff employed at UCL halls. If students are locked out they have to wait for long periods for staff and feel unsafe doing so outside, there are concerns that the absence of security entails emergency situations may not be dealt with effectively. What do you think of the ideas in this policy proposal? Give your opinion here!

The policy: outsourced support staff from various agencies should be brought in-house in line with others at UCL to grant them extra legal protections, prevent discrimination and labour abuse and overall give them job security. What do you think of the ideas in this policy proposal? Give your opinion here!

Activities Zone agenda for the 6 December meeting

The policy: update UCL Students Union Clubs and Societies Regulation to allow the re-affiliation of RUMS (the Royal Free, University College and Middlesex Medical Students Society) Cubs and Societies. What do you think of the ideas in this policy proposal? Give your opinion here!

Want to know about the outcomes of the last Zone meetings? Read this here. See Priya and Jade talk about their experience making change happen at UCL here.

Education Zone agenda for the 1 December meeting

1. Item for discussion: make improvements to help UCL students choose careers and train them in career skills.

The idea: improve UCL departments' ability to help students and train them in the career skills necessary for employment. What do you think of UCL's careers service? Give your opinion here!

Do you have an idea that you think we should be discussing? Submit it here.