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Our first monthly Activities Zone, Education Zone and Welfare and Community Zone meetings of the year took place over the past few weeks. In these meetings, elected reps and officers discussed ideas put forward by you on how to improve student life at UCL. Policies passed at this stage are put forward to the Executive Committee to make the final decisions on implementation - this will happen on 12 December. Items discussed that were not voted on, may be discussed further, or developed into policies. If you'd like to learn more about the discussions within each meeting, please see the meeting minutes.

What policy proposals and items were discussed?

Activities Zone 31 October meeting

1. Item discussed: the Students' Union should grant RUMS the power to produce new sports clubs and societies

The item was discussed and may be turned into a policy proposal for a future meeting.

Education Zone 1 November meeting

1. Policy proposed: lobby UCL to grant PGRs employee status

Outcome: the policy was withdrawn and not voted on.

2. Item discussed: lobby UCL to prevent oil companies from speaking at UCL Engineering career talks

The item was withdrawn and will not proceed further. Please see the minutes to find out why.

Welfare and Community Zone 3 November meeting

1. Policy proposed: lobby UCL to use the tea and consent video in Lecture Halls during induction

Outcome: the policy was withdrawn and not voted on. This proposal may be turned into an item of discussion for a future meeting.

2. Policy proposed: the Students' Union should print emergency helplines and the Violence Meter onto the Student Union disposable coffee cups

Outcome: the policy was amended as follows: instead of printing the Violence Meter on coffee cups, it will be produced as a poster detailing emergency helplines and other support services, which will be placed in toilet cubicles. This amendment was passed with 86% in favour. The policy passed with 90% of members voting in favour, it will next be voted on by Union Exec.

3. Item discussed: the Students' Union should act to promote harm reduction in regard to students taking illegal (and legal) drugs

Please see the minutes to learn about the discussion.

4. Policy proposed: the Students' Union should permit the Mature & Part-time Students Officers to participate in the Activities Zone, Education Zone and Union Executive meetings

Outcome: the policy proposal was passed and will be voted on by Union Exec.

5. Policy Proposed: lobby UCL and the NUS to end ties with companies/brands complicit with Uyghur forced labour

Outcome: the policy proposal was passed with 74% of members voting in favour, it will now be voted on by Union Exec.

6. Policy proposed: the Students' Union should make Active Bystander training and the 'I Heart Consent' certificate a compulsory requirement for those running for elections

Outcome: the proposal was amended to apply to all elected individuals. This policy passed with 90% of members voting in favour. It will now be voted on by Union Exec.

Do you have an idea that you think we should be discussing? Submit it here.