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Delivery of this programme will be paused after Term 3 (May 2024) to allow for a thorough review and iteration process. It will resume again at the start of the 2024/25 academic year (October 2024).

TeamUCL are offering four free 1-2-1 fitness sessions to all UCL students who identify as disabled, in our gym, Bloomsbury Fitness. This can be accessed at any point during Term 1, 2 and 3 by students with any sort of disability, such as mental health conditions, physical disabilities and neurodivergence. The 1-2-1 sessions act as an extended induction, with the aim of supporting students who feel unable to access the gym to build confidence using our facilities.

After registering interest and having an initial check in meeting to discuss your needs, you will be able to book four fitness sessions of up to an hour long. After completing all four, there will be a debrief meeting, where you will be signposted towards opportunities to stay active.

The sessions will be run by Natalia (she/her) and Joe (he/him), our permanent Fitness Instructors, who will directly support you to access the gym through an extended induction process.

If you are interested please complete this form, and we will make contact with you to start the process.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss access requirements, please email [email protected]. For any further support outside of gym access, please consult the UCL Student Support and Wellbeing page.

At Bloomsbury Fitness we have Quiet Hours, where we turn the music and screens off, and encourage members to train as quietly as possible. We hope that this will increase the accessibility of the Fitness Sessions programme during that time. You can read more about our Quiet Hours on the Bloomsbury Fitness FAQs page.