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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run15 Mar 2024
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running5
Available positions2
Total ballots17
Valid votes17
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Vladimir Velicu [17216]7.00
Julia Birsel [18176]6.00
Hanae Heyraud [18336]1.00
Berkay Karan [18949]3.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 5.67. Candidates Vladimir Velicu [17216] and Julia Birsel [18176] have reached the threshold and are elected.

Winners are Vladimir Velicu [17216] and Julia Birsel [18176].


Vladimir Velicu

I believe that due to my extroverted nature, I can get along very well with people. Furthermore I have previous experience organizing events and parties for large amounts of people.

Julia Birsel

I have really enjoyed attending all surf socials this year and would love the opportunity to organise and coordinate events next year. If I could, I would incorporate different activities, creative themes and plan joint society socials! Never a bad night out with surf club🕺

Hanae Heyraud

I’m standing to be social sec as i’m a true committed and dedicated member of the surf club (even tho i still haven’t managed to come on one of the trips hahaha). I have been loving coming to every single social this year, all more entertaining than the other. Knowing most members of the committee are leaving next year, i really want to keep the surf club going by making sure the socials are as fun and lively as this year’s. The surf club’s is one of (if not the) best society in ucl and i’ll make sure to keep that going next year as well as grow the club even more by initiating all freshers!

Berkay Karan

Hello everyone my name is Berkay, I will be a second-year Mathematics student next year. I am Turkish but have lived in Belgium and Switzerland most of my life. Coming from a kitesurfing background, I want to discover more from this new sport.

What do I hope to achieve?

- I plan to organise consistent weekly socials, from Pub Crawls to parties, anything the society wants and needs.

- I want to contribute to the welcoming atmosphere of society by creating welcoming events.

- I also plan to create events with other UCL societies and universities. 


Why should you vote for me?

- Coming from a different surfing background, I want to unite all surfers and welcome new ones to join the ride.

- I also enjoy meeting new people with a shared passion for surfing or just having fun. 

- I explore London quite a bit and want to share these unique spots with you.