Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed

My biggest love has always been animals and I am a huge advocate for animal rights, with a great interest on in the welfare and rights of ‘farm’ animals, going veggie at 9 and vegan at 13. I would love to be able to inspire seasoned animal advocates as well as others who are newly interested to do as much good for animals as they can, whether that be through campaigns, talks, meeting animals in need etc
I love to take a fun and informative approach to getting others into animal rights and adore planning and organising events so would have the best time in this position and hopefully this joy would be passed onto everyone else!

Hi, I’m Amber and I’m a zoology student who is fascinated by animals and how complex they are. Their intelligence and ability to experience emotions is so underestimated, which is why I think it’s so important to act as their voice and advocate for them. I’m a vegan and I am incredibly passionate about animal rights, particularly in terms of the animal agriculture industry.
There are three main areas I want to focus on with society events; education, socials and activism.
Firstly, I think it is important as advocates for animal rights to constantly be educating ourselves, so I will focus on organising events such as documentary screenings and speaker events. I also want to organise regular social events such as pub golf, board games nights and vegan restaurant visits. And finally, the most important for me, activism. As a society, we can make real change, working with other universities and organisations to host peaceful protests and outreach events. I want to start more conversations about veganism/animal rights, working with other societies to hold discussion/debate nights.
I have experience in hosting large events - in 2020 I held a Black Lives Matter Protest in my small town, with around 500 people attending. I got in contact with local people of colour to talk about their experiences of racism and organised speakers for the event.
So in conclusion, pls pick me lol I really like animals :)