Election post

Hi, I’m Amber and I’m a zoology student who is fascinated by animals and how complex they are. Their intelligence and ability to experience emotions is so underestimated, which is why I think it’s so important to act as their voice and advocate for them. I’m a vegan and I am incredibly passionate about animal rights, particularly in terms of the animal agriculture industry.
There are three main areas I want to focus on with society events; education, socials and activism.
Firstly, I think it is important as advocates for animal rights to constantly be educating ourselves, so I will focus on organising events such as documentary screenings and speaker events. I also want to organise regular social events such as pub golf, board games nights and vegan restaurant visits. And finally, the most important for me, activism. As a society, we can make real change, working with other universities and organisations to host peaceful protests and outreach events. I want to start more conversations about veganism/animal rights, working with other societies to hold discussion/debate nights.
I have experience in hosting large events - in 2020 I held a Black Lives Matter Protest in my small town, with around 500 people attending. I got in contact with local people of colour to talk about their experiences of racism and organised speakers for the event.
So in conclusion, pls pick me lol I really like animals :)