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Welcome to Surgery and Intervensional Science Society! We are all about the application of science and engineering in Surgery and Medicine.

Our open and inclusive society creates the perfect environment to socialise, network and share ideas with like-minded students. Our aim is to provide a collaborative and respectful social environment for our fellow interventional-science-lovers. 

We will ensure that this year you can attend budget-friendly events that will help you broaden your academic network, while also providing many opportunities to have (other kinds of) fun. We provide weekly career-based networking opportunities for students to find out more about career paths in the industry and what it is like working in various jobs. We bring in people who work in the Bioengineering and Biotechnology industries, along with researchers both from UCL and from other institutions. 

From hosting speakers, competitions and socials, we hope to see you at our events! We also want community engagement to be at an all time high, and urge you to get in touch if you have any ideas for events and projects! We have a WhatsApp, Instagram and LinkedIn, so be sure to join our online community too.

Our society is shaped by our members. We look forward to nurturing your interests and providing a place to share them.