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Misogyny and Transphobia are killing us! Revolt against gender violence on 25th of November. International Day For the Elimination of Violence Against Women


Join the struggle for socialism! If you think capitalism needs to be extinguished, if you think that life needs to be cleansed of all oppression created by class society, then join Student Socialist Alternative!

To hear about our activities, join our WhatsApp chat here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FSUFZwBfHeAFr3xXYdFd9U

Full membership is available for free (select 'Free' membership type)! But if you want to help build the socialist struggle on campus, every pound goes to more materials we can use together for our campaigns.

Welcome! Student Socialist Alternative is the student organization of Socialist Alternative. We are linked with International Socialist Alternative and ROSA International - a global revolutionary Marxist and socialist feminist organization based in 30 countries across the world. From movements of workers on strike to mass protests against gender violence, racism and all oppression, we fight alongside all those entering into struggle, and for a world rid of capitalist misery.

We, revolutionary socialists, stand for a society run by and for working-class people. A society in which the vast wealth currently concentrated in the hands of a privileged elite, the capitalist class, is taken out of their hands through public ownership of the major banks and monopolies. Where the current order of imperialist destruction, addiction to fossil fuels, entrenched racism, patriarchy and gender roles, all necessary for the functioning of the capitalist system, are toppled. A society in which, in place of the chaos of the market, ordinary people democratically plan the economy in order to meet the needs of all – without destroying the planet.

Since our founding in 2021, we have organized protests of hundreds of students demanding free education to support the staff strikes, solidarity with the Iranian revolutionary movement, and UCL contingents to mass strike rallies across London. Against the Tory culture wars and reactionary attacks on trans people, we organized socialist feminist demos on International Women's Day (March 8th) and International Day Against Gender Violence (Nov 25th). We brought together student activists from the forefronts of global reaction - weaving a thread between the fightbacks on abortion rights in the US to revolutionary women and queer people in Iran.

We say we need a mass movement for trans liberation: workers on strike from universities and schools should connect struggles on pay with the need to defend trans students. Organize against UCL's transphobic management that quit Stonewall! Victory to the NHS strikes! Fully fund trans healthcare!

If you agree with our ideas - you should come check out our biweekly meetings, where we discuss socialist politics and current events to plan our next actions. Every week we also aim to have a physical stall for our campaigns, to make the ideas of revolutionary socialist feminism heard on campus!

For a socialist world free of poverty, oppression, war, banner with protest held across Westminster Bridge

Our instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uclstudentsocialistalternative

Our upcoming Revolutionary Ideas Festival: bit.ly/RevolutionaryIdeas
