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UCL Squash Club is one of the most rapidly growing and successful sports clubs at UCL, and the most successful University squash club in London and the South East. It boasts the most successful teams and one of the largest platforms for both beginners and social players. We have our sessions/trainings right on campus (Bloomsbury Fitness)!

Please purchase the taster membership before attending any trials/taster sessions. 

Join our Whatsapp Social Squash group (you must have at least a Taster membership to join):


Varsity Champions


The bread and butter of our club are the social squashlings! We put on at least 2 free sessions every week (details on our Insta page) where any of our members can turn up and have a hit. You do not need to book any of these - you can just show up and spend as much time as you want, be it half an hour or the full session. We play in a king-of-the-court fashion during social sessions, meaning we are using three-quarters of the court so that as many members as possible can play at the same time. 

These sessions are a great way to get into squash, meet some new people over a casual game, or hone those skills you've been working on! Not only is it a friendly environment to play but as the court costs are included in your membership! We are also part of Project active, which is a TeamUCL springboard for complete beginners to have a go. Come along (racquets and balls are provided)! 

Social Squash Tournament

As well as other social squash events, we have a termly tournament for our social members! This gives you an opportunity to try squash in a more competitive setting and put your skills to the test.

This will take place during one of our weekly squash sessions and will give the opportunity to play at least 2 matches for each participant. Prizes awarded to the winners!

Please note: this is not open to team members.



Beginner's Coaching

If you are a beginner and want to learn better squash technique; our coaching sessions are for you! These are led weekly by our team members during one of our social squash sessions at Bloomsbury Fitness.

If you would like to receive coaching, please purchase our Coached Social membership.



We run weekly coaching sessions for team members with a professional level 2-3 ESR coach at Bloomsbury Fitness. We have 4 Men’s teams and 1 Women's team. The teams compete in the inter-university (BUCS) and local London (LUSL) leagues, both consisting of weekly matches throughout Term 1 and Term 2. 

To become a team member, be sure to attend a team trial session at the start of Term 1. We have teams of different levels for the Men's and a range of levels within our Women's team, so if you have played squash before (even if only for a year) don't be afraid to come along and try-out!


We have regular socials off the court, ranging from sit-down dinners to the regular Wednesday evening Sports Night madness! Worry not, everything does not have to be alcoholic - we have a Halloween ping pong night, board games night, coffee mornings, and other occasions to socialise with your fellow squash players! 

Check out the Instagram page for the latest events.


Are you a postgrad and wondering whether this will be for you? Over 30% of our members are postgrads, so lots of people to network with. 


Standard Social

This membership is for our social members! It covers Social Squash sessions, access to events and socials, and the use of Squash Club equipment. You will also be able to participate in our termly internal Social Squash Tournaments

Coached Social

This membership is for beginners who want to hone their skills! It covers everything included in our Standard Social membership but with the addition of beginner's coaching sessions with one of our team members, which you can sign up for each week.


A membership for our team players! As well as having access to Social Squash sessions; you will become part of one of our teams and have access to weekly coached sessions with a professional coach, get a subsidised team kit, participate in BUCS and LUSL, and have access to team social events!

Please only buy this membership once it has been confirmed that you are part of a team through team trials. 

Men's 4th Team

This membership is for if you've got into the Men's 4th team. You have access to all our Social Squash sessions, team social events and will compete in LUSL (not BUCS) but you will not receive team coaching.


This membership is only for the taster sessions during Welcome Week at the start of Term 1 and is free

To have a taster of our sessions at any point during the rest of the year, purchase this membership and message us on Insta to let us know which session you'd like to join!


1. What if I cannot afford the membership?                                                     

We appreciate that prices might be a concern, and we have carefully thought our membership prices out. If you are struggling to pay, there is a means-tested Participation Fund which you can access through our Welfare Officer. Shout if you need any help!

2. Is there a chance to try out before buying a membership?

Absolutely! Get a Taster membership and join us at our tasters during Welcome Week. The timetable will be released on Instagram the week before. After Welcome Week, we can arrange 1:1 tasters, just contact our Social Squash Secretaries.  

4. How accessible are the facilities?

Unfortunately, our facilities are not accessible to wheelchair users. Bloomsbury Fitness do not offer lift services to the courts which are elevated. We apologise for the inconvenience.   

This Club is Pride in Sport Accredited


Squash Varsity
24/03/2025 | 13:00 - 18:00