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“Freedom is always the freedom of the one who thinks differently. Not because of any fanatical concept of justice, but because all that is instructive, wholesome and purifying in political freedom depends on this essential characteristic, and its effectiveness vanishes when ‘freedom’ becomes a special privilege.”
Rosa Luxemburg, Revolutionary Marxist


We are a revolutionary Marxist and socialist feminist group on the UCL campus in political solidarity with ROSA Internationala socialist feminist organisation active in many countries including but not limited to Brazil, Ireland, and Mexico campaigning on issues such as gender-based violence, trans rights, and defending and extending bodily autonomy while linking all forms of the anti-oppression struggle to the fight against capitalism and the broader class struggle internationally. 

As revolutionary feminists, we are committed to a fight for a socialist future – a future with no place for any form of oppression that upholds capitalism and keeps the ruling class in power, i.e., imperialist destruction, climate catastrophe, racism, patriarchy and gender-based violence. A future for people and the planet! 

Since our founding in 2021, we have organised campus demonstrations and run campaigns on various issues: 

  • To demand free education and support the striking staff 
  • In solidarity with the "Jin, Jiyan, Azadî" (Kurdish for "Woman, Life, Freedom") uprising in Iran 
  • To demand UCL to rejoin Stonewall: leading up to International Day for Elimination of Gender-based Violence (25 November)
  • For a free Palestine: working alongside the Action for Palestine Coalition

If you consider yourself a socialist or want to get involved and help us build a revolutionary socialist feminist force on campus and beyond – get in touch!

Important Announcement

At UCL, we find ourselves overwhelmingly in sympathy and solidarity with the critical voices. We wish to cut all ties with the ISA and Socialist Alternative in EWS over a safeguarding case's gross and egregious mishandling.

We will therefore be taking immediate steps to change our name from Student Socialist Alternative to UCL Socialist Feminist Society, and convene a meeting for our existing members and those alongside whom we have worked, to further discuss the issues involved, as well as the steps forward. Details of this meeting will be announced in the coming weeks. In

We recognise that the work we have done on the UCL campus through various campaigns, notably the Palestine solidarity campaign and our work around Trans Rights and 25 November (International Day for Elimination of Gender-based Violence) are critical and intrinsic to our fight against capitalism and for a socialist world and not in any way secondary. We look forward to continuing to work alongside all of you around these issues (and more) in the coming academic year, in a principled way, and more dedicated than ever. 

You can read our full statement here



The Climate Crisis: an Eco-socialist View
14/10/2024 | 19:15 - 21:15