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Welcome to the Fashion Business Society! The first society at UCL that brings fashion and business into one single place. 

The UCL Fashion Business Society is an exciting and vibrant community for individuals with a passion for fashion and a keen interest in the business side of this dynamic industry. This society serves as the ideal platform for students at UCL to come together, connect, and engage in various fashion-related activities and discussions.

UCL fashion Business society is not just a society; it's a hub where like-minded individuals can gather to explore their shared interests, exchange ideas, and build meaningful connections in a safe and inclusive environment. Whether you're a budding fashion entrepreneur, a marketing enthusiast, a design aficionado, or simply someone who loves fashion, UCL fashion Business Society welcomes students from all corners of UCL.


Standard Membership benefits:

Purchasing membership to our society means that:

  • You’ll be offered access to our events at discounted prices or for free.
  • You’ll receive invites to the frequent society socials that we plan on hosting, where you’ll get to meet and get to know us as the committee and other fashion conscious peers!
  • You’ll be signed up for our weekly newsletter informing you on all the coming and goings of the society, especially of our events and society socials!

Please note: The free Taster membership will grant you access to only our taster session.