The European and International Social and Political Studies (EISPS) Society was established in the spring of 2022 to seize the opportunities provided by the easing of the pandemic to forge meaningful inter-disciplinary and inter-community connections at UCL. With members of the EISPS Department studying over 10 languages and specializing in 7 majors ranging from law to quantitative social sciences, EISPS has been at the forefront of interdisciplinary at UCL. EISPS, too, is an internationally diverse space, with members hailing from 51 countries worldwide.
Who We Are
The EISPS Society was formed the way all great start-ups are: from an idea. As the world grows increasingly complex, academic societies at UCL have nevertheless become pigeon-holed in their academic disciplines, specializing only in economics, law, history, international relations, or in specific regions of the world. This Society was thus born of the conviction that the community of fellows at the department of European and International Social and Political Studies, who traverse all the disciplines above and thrive in a globalized environment, present a wealth of untapped potential.
Our Society’s mission is to encourage a greater flexibility of thought and learning, and to support those who are already embarking on interdisciplinary paths to make change in an increasingly uncertain world. Our role is to connect these young change-makers with organisations, institutions, and scholars, enabling them to grow and contribute meaningfully to society at large.
Why should you join us?
This year the EISPS Society is aiming big - a whole new roster of soirées, events, office and embassy visits are being planned out for the upcoming terms. Whether you're looking to connect and find people with similar interests to yours, a networking enthusiast, an activist, someone looking to kickstart a grandiose career, an intense academic or a polyglot looking for practice, our society will be the place to be.
Our Upcoming Events

Registration details for certain events can be found on our Linktree!
Hey there! Have we convinced you to join us?
We promise you won't regret it!
You've come this far, may as well buy the membership!
Want to know more about EISPS Society?
- A selection of past events
18 March 2023: Eye on China - A Seminar with Andrew Methven
Andrew Methven, CEO of Hampton Group Holdings and Publisher of the Slow Chinese Newsletter, shared his experiences working with Chinese organisations and studying Chinese as a foreign language.
10 March 2023: From Crisis to Opportunity - A European Diplomatic Roundtable
UCL EISPS Society organised a European Roundtable in collaboration with IR Society, Oxford Diplomacy Society, and LSE Grimshaw Club! The discussion featured officials from various European embassies, who discussed the future of Europe and the opportunities ahead. After the roundtable, there was be an exclusive networking reception, where participants could connect with diplomats and fellow attendees.
23 March 2023: US Diplomacy Day
UCL EISPS Society attended the U.S. Diplomacy Day, which welcomes university students from across the U.K. interested in diplomacy and international affairs to the U.S. Embassy in London for a day of debate, discussion, and career insights.
2 November 2022: Working with NGOs (xUCL In Aid of UNICEF)
Well attended and insightful seminar held in collaboration with the society
UCL In Aid of UNICEF, as well as NGOs Frontline UK and Save the
Children on the work that is done by NGOs and other members of civil
society, as well as how students can embark on a career in the social
service sector.3 November 2022: Political Science Careers Seminar
EISPS Society was honoured to host two guests from New Century Media and Apolitical, who shared their experiences building their careers as former students of political science, and offered advice on how current students can best make use of their degree to prepare for future careers in the private sector.
And of course, many social events!
- Who are we?
EISPS Society was founded in 2022 by a dedicated team of nine from the
EISPS Department's class of 2025. Representing seven different
countries (and autonomous regions), the team has worked hard to bring
the Society to life: from button-up career events to let-your-hair-down
socials, we aim to bring your university experience to the next level.
Join the 2025 Committee!
Want to join the team and steer EISPS Society in a new direction? We're
holding elections as part of the 2025 Leadership Race! Keep your eyes open for when nominations open!…
- Get Involved
Join our 2025 Committee!
Want to join the team and steer EISPS Society in a new direction? We're holding elections as part of the 2025 Leadership Race!…
- Read our newsletter!
EISPS Society is the proud sponsor of our own newsletter The Rendezvous. Read the first four issues here:
The Rendezvous Issue 1 - 6 October 2022
The Rendezvous Issue 2 - 4 November 2022
The Rendezvous Issue 3 - 6 December 2023
The Rendezvous Issue 4 - 30 January 2023The Rendezvous Volumes 2 and 3 (2023-2025) have been published on our Linktree!