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Era Journal is UCL's Arts and Culture Journal, dedicated to exploring and challenging the arts and contemporary issues through journalistic expression, and showcasing UCL students' creative talents. 

Nominated for 'Student Magazine of the Year' by the Stack Awards in 2019

We are a community of: 

Writers, Editors, Sub-Editors, Filmmakers, Artists, Musicians, Poets, Creative Writers, Videographers, Graphic Designers

We welcome submissions for our website year round, as well as for our print editions, published twice a year.

Our content is divided into three parts:

- Our Journal (Art, Literature, Film, Music, Theatre and Thought): a section dedicated to reviewing and exploring arts and culture, as well as offering a platform for broad and varied op-ed in Thought.

Our Showcase: a platform for creative UCL students to have their work displayed. Look is dedicated to visual art; Listen to music; Read to creative writing. 


To contribute to Era you must have paid membership! This will allow you to write for the journal, join the committee and more, but more importantly, allows us to keep the journal running and keep the print editions free. We will offer discounted tickets to events for any paid members of the society. 





Logo by Sam White