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We welcome any UCL students with an interest in using law as a tool to further sustainable goals and environmental protection. ELLS aims to provide students with an interdisciplinary insight into environmental issues in the UK, as well as ideas for a future career relating to the environment in law, policy-making, and life science. Our vision is to gain a better understanding between law-making and the practice of law, as well as the science on the other end whose research provides the direction for new legislation and policy to develop in. 

We have hosted plenty of activities and have a lot planned for 2024-2025! Come along and find out what ELLS is all about! Look on our Instagram account (ucl.ells) for all the information about our events, past and present. 

To get an idea of what you can expect from ELLS this year, here is what we have organised in the past and some of what we have planned for the future: 

  • A debate competition in November in collaboration with the UCL Geographical Society and ESG Society
  • A pub quiz and a pub social 
  • An environmental law and life sciences interdisciplinary mock trial (Term 2)
  • Panel discussions in collaboration with other societies such as the UCL Climate Action Society
  • The ELLS Website and Newsletter
  • Plenty of other events in partnership with other societies
  • Charity and fundraising opportunities

Follow us on Instagram for updates! @ucl.ells