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‘“The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for”
...I agree with the second part.’ - Detective Somerset, Se7en (1995)

Have you ever heard of the Stuxnet worm targeting Iran’s nuclear facilities? What about the Snowden leaks about the NSA, or the WannaCry ransomware cryptoworm? These are just a couple of hot shots, but similar cyber breaches are far more common than you’d think - companies and institutions get targeted on a constant basis, while individuals are scammed and their privacy is impeded upon. What’s more, the means to the creation and eventual disruption of these violations require a lot more tinkering than meets the eye. In fact, cyber security is one of the prime areas for challenges requiring problem solving and a keen eye for out-of-the-box thinking! And as they say, “to know your enemy is to become your enemy”...*

*legitimate Sun Tzu quote.

Who are we?

There’s always been passing curiosity in cyber security among students at UCL, but no real guide on where to start. That’s where we come in. With vast resources and people of different backgrounds, not only do we seek to help you become more aware of the omnipresent cyberspace, but also equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to become an ethical hacker!

What awaits me?

Speaker events, socials, workshops, hacking seminars, career development sessions, and Capture-the-Flag competitions! From beginners to advanced, there’s something in store for everyone. So if you’re new to the game, don’t feel shy! In the end, we’re all here to learn :)

Pst, if you’re curious about the constant mention of ducks, look up “Rubber Duckie Debugging” on Wikipedia… You won’t be disappointed!