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Welcome to UCL Connect.ed!

A Research Community Made for Students by Students.

NON SCHOLAE SED VITAE DISCIMUS  ~  “We do not learn for school, but for life”

Our motto is our inspiration for the year ahead. Learn something new outside of the lecture halls. Enrich your mind. Be academic, social and connect.ed.

Our Flagship Research Mentorship Program (RMP) is front and centre. We connect aspiring undergraduate students with UCL’s high calibre of postgraduate researchers. Aspiring undergraduate mentees gain experience of and insight into a Master’s or PhD Research Project. Postgraduate Mentors gain an opportunity to communicate their research, to take on research assistants and to obtain teaching experience. Mentors have freedom to shape their mentorship to fit their individual research meaning potential Mentees have a range of experiences to choose from. 

Accompanying our Flagship Program will be a whole host of events and socials this year including:

  • Connect.ed Coversations: Whether your heart belongs to STEM, social sciences, law, art and humanities or architecture, join a lively and informal student discussion where you can exchange views on global matters.

  • Connect.ed Blog: For those who dislike verbal exchanges, our society also provides a platform of Connect.ed Blog. Students across UCL can submit their academic views, research progress, or experimental findings to be published on our website.

  • Faculty-Themed Weeks: Fancy a week full of research panels, workshops and networking sessions related to a discipline of interest?

  • Connect.ed Career Stories: Curious to see how someone else used their research experiences to shape their career paths? We’ll be speaking to guests both from inside academia and outside it.

  • Research Panels: Listen to our guests discuss themes like London’s changing skyline or Women in STEM as well as intriguing research methodologies like using social media or film.

  • Annual Academic Symposium: Marking the celebration of our Connect.ed year, the Annual Academic Symposium will invite Mentors, Mentees and Connect.ed members to present their research on a public platform.

  • Socials, quiz nights, walking tours, fieldtrips and much more! 

Get connect.ed and follow us on: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram