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Canoe Polo combines paddling, ball skills and tactical play in a fast, exciting game that resembles a cross between basketball and kayaking.

We are the only university canoe polo club across London, competing in national leagues, university competitions across the UK (including BUCS) and even tournaments abroad.

Canoe Polo is a sport for all - we welcome everyone from beginners, to seasoned paddlers and polo players!



Please get the free taster membership before attending any taster session. The events should appear at the bottom of this page, where you can get a free ticket.

We will be holding taster session on the following dates:

Sat 5th Oct 15:00 - 16:30

Sun 6th Oct 14:30 - 16:00

Sun 13th Oct 14:30 - 16:00

If you are unable to make these dates (or they have sold out), drop us a message on one of socials, and we can let you know when you can come to try it out!



What We Do

Canoe Polo combines paddling, ball skills and tactical play in a fast exciting game. 2 teams of 5 compete to score goals by shooting a ball at a goal frame suspended 2 meters from the water at either end of the pitch. A player in possession of the ball may be tackled by other players and can only hold on to the ball for a maximum of 5 seconds; the ball must be dribbled or passed to other players on the team. Most of the rules concern player safety and fair play; penalties for fouls include free throws, free shots, goal penalty shots and penalty cards. The game is therefore always supervised by a referee on each side of the pitch.

Canoe polo can be played indoors in swimming pools or outdoors on any stretch of flat water such as a lake or canal. We currently train up to 2 times a week outdoors at Poplar Union, hosted by our sister club East End Canoe Polo.

The sport is considered to be one of the fastest growing sports worldwide with the British Canoe Union as our local governing body. Canoe polo is played internationally (a world games sport) and is governed by the International Canoe Federation. The club provides all the specialist equipment necessary including special composite kayaks (polo boats), spraydecks, paddles, buoyancy aids and helmets with faceguards.



When and Where We Meet

When: Every Saturday :14:00-16:00 (subject to change), mid week sessions are currently being reorganised. Our session schedule is flexible to suit our members needs.

Aim to arrive early to change and get kitted up with a club boat, paddle, helmet spraydeck and BA!

Where: East End Canoe Polo, Poplar Union, 2 Cotall St, London E14 6TL

What to bring: Please bring warm layers, dry clothes for after and a towel (showers and changing rooms on site).


Pool Sessions

We are currently organising pool space for training during the winter months. We will provide an update when this is finalised.





Want to join?

If you're keen to try out our fun sport, drop us a message on facebook or instagram!