Welcome back for term two! Find your next event or taster session

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Who are we? 

The UCL Behavioural Innovations Society (BIS) is a student community of behavioural scientists that aim to deliver unique work with impact and bring about positive and sustainable behaviour change in the UCL community and beyond.

Founded in 2020, we organise guest speaker seminars investigating the intersection of behavioural science with various fields, hold an annual 48-hour Nudgeathon challenge and Behavioural Science Careers Fair, and run Applied Projects in collaboration with university stakeholders to implement behaviour change interventions on campus.

More initiatives coming up - stay tuned!

How you can get involved?

As a standard member, you are welcome to join any of our events and socials, as well as apply for the Nudgeathon and Applied Project teams we will be recruiting later in the year. We welcome members of any background and at any stage of their journey at UCL.

We're excited to meet you! 

Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ucl-behavioural-innovations-society/&n…;


Applying Behavioural Science to Innovation and Sustainability, a talk with Max Wiggins from Kantar
29/01/2025 | 18:00 - 19:00
Combining Machine Learning and Personality Science to Reduce the Behaviour Tax, a talk with Paul Nixon
05/02/2025 | 17:00 - 18:00