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Welcome to 3D Modelling Society! 

Find all our social links here.

We’re UCL’s only society devoted to model kit building and discussion. Be it cars, trains, planes, tanks, ships, mecha, Warhammer figurines or anything in between, we offer a chilled-out and communal space for both aspiring and experienced modellers to hone their craft.

Every week during term we’ll be holding weekly social building events for people of all skill levels, with related games and film streams as alternatives. Feel free to pop by just to try it out or even to just talk and watch - or if you’re an experienced modeller, you can finally have an excuse to chip away at that growing backlog that you have. 

We have a range of communal tools to help you get started and an experienced team to improve your skills. We’ll also be running beginner workshops to help those new to the hobby try before they buy - feel free to get the free membership if you want to dip your toes into the hobby before committing. Find the times of these on our social pages!

We’ll be running a few specialist events too - Warhammer games, in-person trips to the places that help drive the hobby across London (and a little bit beyond), weekly online streams of related series (starting with Gundam: The Origin), and much more. 

We primarily use Discord as our primary means of communication, join here: Once you get membership, paid or free, please DM one of our committee members so we can verify you.

You'll need a membership to access our communal tools after October 19th (until then anyone can try them out!). 

We look forward to seeing what you create, whether that’s plastic robots, miniature cars or whatever you feel like building!