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The situation in the UK regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19) is developing quickly, and we wanted to be clear about what we’re doing and signpost you to what UCL is doing.

From today, until further notice, all face-to-face activities have been suspended – including sports fixtures, events, meetings and anything else which was due to take place on-site or be run by our one of our clubs or societies. Where possible we will move this activity online, however, all Union outlets including the Gym, Cafes and Bars are now closed until further notice.

This decision is in line with UCL’s latest advice. We’ve been working closely with UCL every day to make decisions about how our university should handle the unfolding situation and we believe the action we're taking is the right thing to do.

Our Advice Service will continue to support you, and whilst many questions are unanswerable at this point, we are ready to increase the number of advisers we have available to help you through this difficult time. More information will be shared on the Advice Service page.

Although all events, activities and spaces are now closed, staff are still working remotely, please continue to stay in contact, check your student email and look out for advice and news from the Union and UCL across all the usual platforms.

UCL remains a diverse and supportive community, and we will all need to adapt to the changes we will face in the coming months. Where possible, activity, meetings and training will move online. In our daily meetings with UCL I’ve seen how different departments, groups and individuals in our community have come together to do what’s best for students – this has shown me how much the UCL community genuinely cares for students and staff, and how determined UCL is to get through this. I have every confidence that we have the right people working on, and advising on, UCL’s response to this issue and I want you to know that all of us are doing all that we can to make sure you’re safe, supported and are given information and advice.

The social circles and friendships you’ve built here will remain to offer support and guidance when times are tough, albeit in different ways, and we all have a role to play in helping each other feel part of the UCL community.

Take care, look after yourselves and others.


Education Officer and Chair of the Board of Trustees