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Students’ Union UCL fully supports ‘Our Future Not For Sale: March for Education & Earth
Our members, UCL students, have the power to shape the future. They have the power to change the way we see the everyday and find the opportunities which will make a better world.
The root causes of the crisis facing our environment and our education system are the same.
Our reliance on consumption, on marketisation, on commodifying our environment will leave us with an uninhabitable earth. The same can be said for our education system. Every step taken towards consumption, marketisation and commodification is a step towards extinction. We can change it. We can stop it. We can only do this together. It starts right now.
Each generation inherits the world and its environment, the chance to change it exists within all of us. The power to change it comes from our collective action.
Attend the march, stand up for our environment, stand up for our education. Say no to marketisation. Join the collective movement. Friday 13 March, Malet Place, 12 Noon.