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Discussion, disagreement and debate are central themes that contribute to the personal and intellectual growth of UCL’s community and to a vibrant and stimulating campus environment.  

We recognise that these themes play a vital role in supporting you to challenge and be challenged, expand your critical thinking, and gain exposure to different viewpoints. We do this by actively promoting freedom of speech on campus and enabling more than 1,500 guest speakers from various political persuasions to visit campus each year through invitation from our student groups. These events stimulate debate and further the non-academic development of our student community. 
It is within this context that we have committed to expanding our work in this space. Our new programme will provide you with an opportunity to develop key skills in debate and disagreement on a wide range of issues, enabling you to navigate discussions with individuals with differing views and with a diverse global community and to facilitate opportunities for robust debate on campus in a respectful and inclusive environment. 

Become an impartial chair

Help shape this exciting new programme as an impartial chair. We'll provide participants with the opportunity to develop the skills required to tackle challenging conversations that arise in an uncertain world, build their resilience and confidence in debate and respectful disagreement, enabling them to disagree well at UCL and beyond.

When submitting your application please think about the following:

  • Why you are interested in the opportunity;
  • What skills you could bring to the Impartial Chairs role or skills you would like to develop on the programme that would support you in this role;
  • How you would share your learnings with fellow students and/or help to shape or promote this programme. 

Why should you apply

This programme will contribute to your personal and intellectual growth and enable you to navigate the challenging discussions that take place at UCL and beyond.  

Through this programme you'll develop your:

  • Knowledge of different communities and their unique experiences.
  • Understanding of power dynamics and the role that power and privilege plays in debate.
  • Skills and confidence in debate and respectful disagreement.

You'll have the exciting opportunity to participate in and help to shape the first year of this programme, which will include:

  • Training;
  • A five-day visit to Northern Ireland in November where you'll learn about the Troubles, and peace and reconciliation in the Northern Irish context;
  • Paid opportunities, where you will be able to put your skills into practice and facilitate some of our external speaker events that take place on campus.

Applications for this year are closed.

More information

Impartial Chairs: roles, responsibilities and opportunities 

Help to shape and participate in an exciting new programme, which will provide participants with the opportunity to develop the skills required to tackle challenging conversations that arise in an uncertain world, build their resilience and confidence in debate and respectful disagreement, enabling them to  disagree well at UCL and beyond. 

To act as an Impartial Chairperson on an ad hoc basis, helping to facilitate events with controversial or challenging speakers. Impartial Chairs will be paid £13.15 per hour for facilitating external speaker events.  Key responsibilities include: 

- Facilitate events where speakers are allowed the right to express their views and experiences, while differing, challenging and antithetical views are also heard and debated in a non-threatening environment.  

- To promote an inclusive debate, challenging inappropriate behaviour that threatens the safe and legal running of events, and take appropriate action, with the support of Union or UCL staff, in the event of protest or disruption. 

- To take responsibility for timings, managing the event in an agreed format, and lead the question and answer session. 

Attend an experiential learning five-day visit to Northern Ireland, which has been designed to enable participants to build an understanding of conflict, peace and reconciliation in the Northern Irish context.   

Essential requirements

An interest in developing your knowledge and understanding of different communities and their unique experiences; power dynamics and the role that power and privilege plays in debate; as well as your skills and confidence in debate and respectful disagreement.  

An interest in participating in a five-day experiential learning visit to Northern Ireland in November aimed at deepening participants’ understanding of how to work within divided societies, the forces that can heal and build trust as well as those that can dissemble and destroy a diverse society. 

An interest in facilitating external speaker events on a range of topics, and with the support of the Union, ensuring that an equitable, accessible and inclusive environment is created to have these discussions.  

An interest in acting as a programme ambassador, sharing your learnings with fellow students, and helping to shape and promote the programme. 

Key dates for the Northern Ireland trip

The Northern Ireland visit is scheduled from 18-23 November. Travel and accommodation costs for participants will be covered by the Union. Please note that it is not an essential requirement to attend this visit. Please state in your application if you do not wish or cannot attend.  

How to apply

To apply for this opportunity, please submit either a one side of A4 or a one-minute video outlining why you think you should be selected by 8 October 2023 via this webform.

You may want to include why you are interested in the opportunity; what skills you could bring to the Impartial Chairs role or would like to develop on the programme that would support you in this role; and any ideas of how you would share your learnings with fellow students and/or help to shape or promote the programme.