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If you're looking for ways to get active this Summer but don't know what to do or where to start, here are our top 5 suggestions.

1: Join a Gym

Joining a gym is great for keeping bones, joints, and muscles healthy while tailoring your workout to your own fitness goals. You can also benefit from classes, personal trainers and a flexible schedule if you're looking for a low-commitment activity. We have our very own Students' Union UCL gym on campus, Bloomsbury Fitness, which offers all of the above AND channels all profits back into student activities! As a student-driven organisation, we've listened to what our members want and hold women's only and quiet hours on top of our normal sessions. Over the Summer break we're offering the deal of a lifetime... a 3 month membership for only £50! Check out the offer and find out more information about Bloomsbury Fitness here.

2: Swimming

Joining your local swimming pool is not only fun but great for your health; it keeps your heart rate up while taking some impact stress off your body, builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. Water-based workouts are also low-impact, so they tend to be easier on your hips, knees, and feet. Swimming is great if you're not looking for a huge time commitment, just 30 minutes 3 times a week can improve your health.

Whether a complete beginner or experienced swimmer, you can check out UCL's very own Swim Club, or find a pool that takes your fancy here.

3: Hiking

Hiking can be a fun activity to do during Summer with friends, family or even by yourself! There's a ton of beautiful sights you can see without straying too far from London to get a change of scenery There are many physical advantages of hiking such as building stronger muscles and bones, improving your sense of balance, increasing your heart health and decreasing the risk of respiratory problems.

In fact, UCL's Hiking Club is our largest student group at UCL with over 1800 members! If you're looking for some like-minded people to explore with, there's no better place for you.

4: Running

Running is a sport that anyone can do to get active during Summer! Even if you think that running isn't for you it's definitely worth trying out... take it from this year's RAX President, Adil. After joining the club as a complete beginner, he's loved rising to the challenge of longer races and has run (no pun intended) some amazing initiatives with the club this year. Take a look at his Class of 23 video and we promise you'll want to give it a go too!

5: Sport

If none of the above suggestions interest you, you can take a look at the 75 sports clubs we have at UCL for some more inspiration. 7497 students have already joined a club this year and it's a great way to get social with something you already enjoy or try out something completely new. If you'd rather wait until the new academic year to join a club, Project Active is a great option in the meantime with a variety of low-cost classes, from dance to mindful flow yoga. Just like Bloomsbury Fitness, Project Active offers women's only classes plus postgraduate sessions so there's an inclusive atmosphere for everyone.