It's Student Volunteering Week Make a difference 

Our aim is to offer disadvantaged community groups an experience of a canal trip on a traditional narrowboat. We run and maintain 'Tarporley' - a historic Northwich narrowboat, converted to carry 12 passengers. We mainly do day or evening trips but also longer ones as passengers & crew can sleep aboard. Volunteers help run the boat, crewing, supporting passengers, working locks, mooring, steering and maintaining the boat. Even if you have never been boating before, we will train you. All we ask is for you to commit for a reasonable period of time so it becomes worth our while training you.

Crew Member

There are public roles such as skipper or crew,  bookings management, and marketing
Guide Volunteer
Camden Canals and Narrowboat Association are looking to improve the experience that people have when travelling on narrowboat Tarporley. 
Outreach team volunteer
Camden Canals and Narrowboat Association are looking to improve our working partnership with the local community in line with our charitable objectives.
Web design and maintenance volunteer
At Camden Canals and Narrowboat Association we are looking to improve our website and develop a fully integrated booking system that will allow both private and charity bookings a