Every month The Passage holds a collection at Victoria mainline station and various tube stations throughout London. We are allowed to collect between the hours of 7am – 10pm. Each collection brings in about £2000, which is vital to our service delivery.
Dates are subject to change, but collections are usually held on a Tuesday or Thursday between the hours of 7am and 10pm. Our most regular collection site is Victoria mainline station, where we have a monthly recurring slot. Other collections take place at tube stations across London between the same hours.
We are committed to creating a safe, non – judgmental space for everyone here at The Passage, regardless of who they are and there is an expectation that volunteers understand this and behave accordingly towards people using our services, other volunteers, visitors and members of staff.
- Standing on the station concourse of a tube station and taking cash and contactless donations from the general public
- Handing out leaflets about our work
- Representing The Passage in a public sphere