It's Student Volunteering Week Make a difference 

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Brightside's vision is a society where everyone has equal access to opportunities, regardless of their background. In the UK, access to opportunities is often determines more by where you grow up or what your parents do than your strengths and aspirations. Brightside is working to change that by connecting young people with inspiring mentors to help them make confident and informed…

Brightside are recruiting volunteers who will help school students to gain an insight into university life and make key decisions around their GCSE option.  All mentors will be current UCL students- undergraduates and postgraduates are welcome- and mentees will be students at UCL Academy.

We will match groups of 2-3 volunteers with classes at UCL Academy and you will attend four sessions with the class. You'll talk to them about your experiences of education and answer their questions. Brightside and teachers will be there to facilitate the sessions. You'll talk about subjects such as what life is like as a uni student, your course, how school prepared you for uni and how you approaches making decisions about your education. 

These sessions will help raise the aspirations of the school students. You'll help them understand their options and the reality of studying at university so pupils can make more confident and informed decisions about their futures.




We will be running sessions at the school on1 Mar & 8 Mar. Volunteers can attend one or both.

Alongside other UCL students, you will share your experiences of university with Level 1 (Year 8) students and take part in a Q&A. Teachers will be in the class to  run the session and Brightside staff will be there for support.

You'll need to attend our training session on zoom. Before sessions, you will need to have a think about the topics we'll be covering so you're prepared to share your views and experience. You'll need to make sure you can arrive at the school in time for every session you sign up to.

Who will the volunteers be working with?
Young people aged 12-14 who are studying at UCL Academy.
We'll provide a training session to prepare you for this role. It'll take place on zoom at a time arranged to work for most of the volunteers.

Time commitment

Mentors must attend at least one of the sessions. They will take place during school hours on 1 Mar & 8 Mar. Each session will be around 1hr long.

This organisation is one of our community partner organisations.

Like all volunteer recruiters we work with, they have signed up to our service standards, agreeing to abide by our policy on partnership working to keep you safe and supported whilst you volunteer.

You’ll never be out of pocket for volunteering through us – with in-London travel expenses to and from your volunteering guaranteed.

In addition, the team here at Students’ Union UCL Volunteering Service is here to support you throughout your volunteering journey – you can get in touch with us at any time.