Everything you need to know about the General Election Find out more

Your Role

You will join the Board of Trustees which oversees all of the administration and management of the Union including the governance and finances of the organisation. This is a hugely important position that will give you access to the highest levels of decision-making and management within the Union.

Your Responsibility

  • Help the Union achieve its charitable objective and improve the lives of students
  • Ensure that the Union acts in accordance with its governing documents and that it remain true to the mission, vision and values of the organisation
  • Use your personal skills and experience to make sure the Union is efficient and accountable
  • Be an active member of the Board of Trustees

Your Eligibilty

All students

Time Required for the Role

This a part-time, unpaid position. You are expected to attend Board of Trustee meetings, approx. 12-15 hours per term. There are 5 meetings a year and these usually take place in the evenings. There may be other events throughout the year but these are optional.

Further information

Click here for more information about the Board of Trustees, the membership and the sub-committees.

Welcome and training dates are tbc.

Key Dates

Deadline for nominations (incl. manifestos): Monday 16 October
Candidate Briefing: Tuesday 17 October
Campaigning begins: Thursday 19 October
Voting opens: Monday 23 October
Voting closes: Friday 27 October

Trustee Board Dates:
Thursday 7 December 2023
Thursday 8 February 2024
Thursday 23 March 2024
Thursday 6 June 2024

Next Steps

If you would like to nominate yourself to become a Student Trustee please click here

If you have any questions, please email - [email protected]