Brand new for the 2023/24 academic year, we will be sharing who has been nominated as the Student Officer of the Month.
Student Officers are student volunteers that work part-time to represent groups of students at UCL. If you would like to find out who your Student Officers are for the 2023/24 academic year please click here.
Student Officer of the Month
Elisa De Aragao Bibay

The third Student Officer of the Month is Elisa, your Women's Officer. As the Women's Officer, Elisa is here to support all students that self-define as a woman and lead the Students' Union's Women's Network.
She has been nominated for this award because:
Elisa has gone above and beyond in her role as Women's Officer and particularly during the 16 Days of Activism, which has taken place over the last few weeks. Some of the highlights from the campaign include hosting an event with the Executive Director of UN Women UK, a networking 'Orange is the World' breakfast even and raised £500 to support initiatives dedicated to empowering and supporting those affected by gender-based violence. In addition to this since being elected into the role, Elisa has also spent hours running a range of events and projects surrounding project period which aims to tackled period poverty at UCL.
Elisa is also such a pleasure to work with and she always bring such a positive attitude to the role. I am so proud of everything she has achieved and I think that she is so deserving of this award.
Congratulations Elisa - Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to your role!
If you would like to keep up to date with what Elisa and the women's network are working on you can follow them on Instagram @womensnetworkucl
If you would like to nominate a Student Officer for the January award then you have until Friday 26 January 2024 to send in your nomination here -