Announcing Your Student Leadership Team for the next academic year

Get your TOTUM card here

TOTUM is the new name for NUS Extra, the student discount card.  Put together by the clever people at NUS, it provides discounts on some of the biggest and most popular brands in the UK for students and university staff alike.  No other student card can give you half price unlimited music, access to student rates on your TV and Internet bill and cheap pizza to boot.  NUS Extra is also the only student discount card that can be used while shopping online.

And all this for a little more than £1 per month! An annual card only costs £14.99. There's an offer going on now, so you'll get Pass ID with your TOTUM card. This means that your TOTUM card can be used in ID, when buying certain items, when you need ID at the club etc. - anytime you need to ID'd. Your TOTUM card also includes International Student Identity Card, which is recognised and valid for discounts worldwide.

You can buy your card online.  It will take 7 working days to arrive and NUS will send it in the post.  Please note that UCL staff can buy online too - when asked to select a course you can enter whatever you fancy (this is only for NUS's records).

If you have any questions about TOTUM, please feel free to give us a call on 0207 679 2937.

To stay up to date on all of the best deals from your TOTUM card by downloading the app for Apple and Android smartphones.  It will tell you what deals are on near you as well as which are the most popular and the new additions.