The aim of the Escorted Shopping Trips is to assist older people who are unable to use public transport due to frailty or difficulties with mobility to do their own shopping and to have the opportunity to socialise with others. The shoppers are collected from their homes with a minibus and the support of the volunteers, in some cases assisted around the supermarket, and escorted home after lunch at the supermarket café
Arrive at the Age UK office in Thorpe Close at 10.00 (for Wednesday trip or Thursday trip). Here you will meet the bus/bus driver and other volunteers.
There will be a briefing about the service users attending on the day and then you will depart. The bus collects each person, and your role is to escort them safely to and from the bus.
On collection make sure they have locked their doors and have their keys and once on the bus check seatbelts are fastened. Wheelchairs will be secured on-board by the driver. We then collect and record the fares for the trip. You may be asked to escort someone around the supermarket depending on their needs or to push a wheelchair in some cases. After lunch you will make sure all are back on the bus safely. We return the service users to their homes and part of your role will be to carry shopping into service users homes.
Shopping coordinator
Other volunteers
Volunteer coordinator
Health & Safety
Wheelchair Training
Time commitment
Regular weekly commitment, if possible.
Minimum commitment 4 - 6 months