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Paiwand is a Community Organisation working with vulnerable refugees, migrants and asylum-seeking individuals to help them integrate into society. We uplift and empower them by providing support and guidance, thus enhancing their life chances and choices. We uphold the following values: holistic and integrated support, person-centered, equal rights for all, empowering and building on the…

Paiwand delivers free counselling services that respect and work with the cultural and linguistic needs of refugees and asylum seekers. Backed by more than 16 years’ experience of helping people with emotional hardship. Our aim is to empower people with emotional problems from Barnet, Brent, Harrow and Ealing, through one to one counselling and psycho-education support to overcome the emotional hardship, build confidence, resilience, enjoy life and achieve their potentials.

We are looking for passionate and enthusiastic volunteers to help the Mental Health project at Paiwand. 


Based on the expertise/skills, time, availability and interest, the volunteer advocates will be responsible for one or more of the following activities/tasks:  

  • Attend counselling sessions with the counsellor and provide interpreting support. 

  • Carry out a basic assessment and care plan of clients under the supervision of Line Manager. Volunteers will receive training that enables them to do this.  

  • Organise/attend the mental health talk session with the clients and participate and facilitate mental health awareness raising sessions/workshops. 

  • Refer users who need support to appropriate services such as those at Child and Adult Mental Health Services (CAMHS) or local Primary Care Trusts (PCT’s). This will include helping to make appointments, liaising with primary care and explaining the problem, particularly if the user cannot speak English.  

  • Refer or encourage self-referral to other mental health service providers to identify and manage mental health problems and distress at an early stage. 

  • Where necessary accompany clients to consultations to provide support and translation services (if applicable). This could include visits to GP’s or Mental Health Services. 

  • Follow up clients progress by attending other meetings or making ongoing contact as necessary. This may include writing letters or telephone calls. 

  • Maintain accurate records of contacts with clients in accordance with Paiwand’s monitoring systems. 

  • Participate in the collection of data for monitoring and evaluation of Paiwand’s services.  

  • Participate in the preparation and planning of Mental Health Events, which may involve liaising with various members of healthcare professions and a range of other activities e.g. setting up refreshments. 

  • To work in accordance with Afghan Association Paiwand’s policies and procedures, including the confidentiality policy, health and safety policy and related guidelines.

Who will the volunteers be working with?
The Mental Health Project Manger.
Volunteers will receive a general induction to the organisation and also relevant training to prepare for their role before commencing their role.

Time commitment

We ideally would ask the volunteer to commit to 2 days a week for a minimum of 6-months, however the days and hours are flexible and can be agreed upon with the line manager.

This organisation is one of our community partner organisations.

Like all volunteer recruiters we work with, they have signed up to our service standards, agreeing to abide by our policy on partnership working to keep you safe and supported whilst you volunteer.

You’ll never be out of pocket for volunteering through us – with in-London travel expenses to and from your volunteering guaranteed.

In addition, the team here at Students’ Union UCL Volunteering Service is here to support you throughout your volunteering journey – you can get in touch with us at any time.